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Part 3: Importing Credit Reports
Updated over 11 months ago

The first step with each new client is to obtain fresh new reports from all three bureaus. In this article, you will learn how to handle and obtain your client’s credit reports, how to use our Import feature, and how to update a client’s report.

Table of contents:

To start, make sure you have the following:

Can I order reports on behalf of my client?

The first step with each new client is to obtain fresh new reports from all three bureaus, but the question we’re often asked is:

Q: Who orders the reports and where do you order them from?

A: Clients order their own reports. When a client orders their own reports, they don’t suffer a hit on their score. Your clients must order the reports.

If I shouldn’t be ordering reports on behalf of clients, then how does it work?

We asked some of the biggest credit repair firms and there are basically two ways they handle report ordering:

  • Most companies have the client sign up for Credit monitoring and then they ask the client for their login details and security word.

  • Other companies have the clients sign a power of attorney letter and order the reports for them, but that's rare because these providers do not want credit repair companies ordering credit reports for clients. These are consumer services.

Our software can import credit items from these credit report providers:

  • Credit Hero Score (Recommended provider)

  • IdentityIQ

  • SmartCredit

  • MyFreeScoreNow

  • MyScoreIQ

  • PrivacyGuard

These providers offer plans with instant access to reports and scores from all 3 bureaus. Some may even offer trials for as little as $1. That's a real bargain for your client. Just remember that your client must be the one who signs up. The report providers DO NOT want you ordering reports for your clients.

I know you're thinking "Can't I just order the reports for my client?" Unfortunately, the answer is no no no! These are consumer services only. There are privacy issues. So please have your clients signup themselves, pay the $1 for the free trial and share the login details with you.

How to use the Import/Audit feature - Step by step

The Import/Audit tool is one of our greatest features.

Before you start

We highly recommend that you have your client complete their Client Onboarding so they can signup for credit monitoring and add their client login detail.

  1. ACCHSA_1-001.png
  2. Click on your client’s name to open their dashboard

  3. Click on the Import/Audit button

  4. Click on Import Credit Report Now


    Scenario A: If your client hasn’t entered their credit monitoring access details, you will see the following screen where you would need to enter the information manually:


    * Choose Support Provider: Select your client’s credit report provider.
    * Username: Enter your client’s username.
    * Password: Enter your client’s password.
    * (Optional) Phone: Enter your client’s phone number.
    * Last four digits of SSN: Some report providers will tie the login credentials with the last four digits of the client’s SSN. Enter the digits that your client shares with you.
    * Security Word: Some other report providers will tie the client’s account with a security word. Enter the security word that your client shares with you.
    * Audit Template: Select a template for the client’s report audit

    Scenario B: If your client has completed their onboarding process and provided you with their credit monitoring access details, you will see the following screen instead:

  5. Click on the Import & Run Simple Audit button

    If you do not wish to run a simple audit, you can click on I Don't Need an Audit, Just Import. However, we highly recommend running the Simple Audit, as it is a great tool for you to guide your client through their current credit situation.

  6. Next, scroll down, and you’ll be able to choose between Email Audit to Client, Print, or generate a PDF file to share with your client

  7. Click on the Next button

    You have successfully imported a credit report for your client. Now, you need to tag the negative items using our Wizard so you can start generating your client’s dispute letters.

I’m getting an error message when importing the report

When attempting to import a credit report, you may encounter different error messages.

  • Incorrect Login Details
    “Login Failure! Please check access details.”


    This will show up when the login details are incorrect. To verify the credentials, try to access using the same credentials directly on the monitoring service site. If you can’t access when testing directly on the provider’s site, please ask your client to reset the password. Once your client resets the password, have them share the details with you and update the credentials manually on your client’s dashboard.

  • An extra step/account setup is needed in the account itself

    In this scenario, the client needs to log in to the account and complete the missing step. It can be, for example, an authorization, a disclaimer that needs to be signed, or missing payment. All of the actions described here require an action that only the account owner can complete.

What if your client gives you a report that isn't provided by a supported service?

Our Dispute Wizard can also help you when your client’s report can’t be imported by our software. In that case, you can manually enter credit items and create dispute letters for those items.

How do I update a client's report?

What you can do now:

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