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Administrator notifications

Credentially helps you track your employees during the onboarding process

Written by Sarah Plumley
Updated over 12 months ago

Automated notifications are available in the system, you can bespoke the type of notifications you will receive as an administrator in My profile/notification settings:

We recommend you review these settings when you first register on the platform.
Credentially gives you the flexibilty to tailor the type of notifications you can receive or turn off if not relevant to your process or role.

Staff member has accepted the invitation to join your organisation.
The system sends this email to Administrator(s) when a candidate accepts the invitation.
Customisable: No; Can be turned off: Yes

Staff member has declined the invitation to join your organisation.
You will be notified when a Candidate you have invited to join your Organisation declines the invitation.
Customisable: No; Can be turned off: Yes

Staff member pending approval. You will be notified when a Candidate reaches an Approval step of the Onboarding process and requires action from you to continue.

Customisable: No; Can be turned off: Yes

Staff member has completed the onboarding. 
You will be notified when a Candidate Onboarding status changes to 'Completed'

Customisable: No; Can be turned off: Yes

Referee has completed the reference.
You will be notified when a Referee completes a reference form requested by a Candidate.

Customisable: No; Can be turned off: Yes

Non-compliance daily digest. The system sends this email to Administrator(s) on a daily basis notifying of the users who have become non-compliant on that day.
Customisable: No; Can be turned off: Yes

An administrator was mentioned in a comment. This is sent was a user is tagged to a comment or note.

There are 2 types of comments.

Comments to a user's profile:

If you click the 'Open comment' button, you will get to a staff member's profile. To the right of the page, you will find the comment in the 'Notes' tab.

Comments to a user's documents:

Click the 'Open document' button, you will see the page with this document. In the lower right corner of the page, you will find the comment in the 'Comments' tab.

Your data export is ready to download. The system sends this email to a staff member with CSV download option.

Click the 'Import/export' button in the upper right corner of an organization's dashboard -> choose 'Export everything (CSV, documents, pictures)' in the drop-down menu (as can be seen on the screenshot attached).

The staff member's data is ready to download.

Employee has uploaded new documents. The system sends this email to Administrator(s) when a Staff Member or a Candidate uploads a new version for active, expired, declined, expires soon or missing documents before or after onboarding and a new version for documents declined during onboarding.

Customisable: No; Can be turned off: Yes

Professional Registration Status Change.
The system will send a notification when a staff member's Professional Registration status (GMC, HCPC, NMC) and GMC Fitness to Practice status change.
Customisable: No; Can be turned off: Yes

In this case, an administrator is notified when a user's professional registration status changes.

DBS Update Service status changed.
You will be notified when a Staff Member's or Candidate DBS certificate status changes on the DBS Update Service.

Customisable: No; Can be turned off: Yes

The 'Error' status in the user's DBS Application.
You will be notified when a Staff Member's or Candidate DBS certificate status changes on the DBS Update Service
Customisable: No; Can be turned off: No

Results of an applicant's/employee's DBS Application.
You will be notified when DBS results are ready for Staff Members or Candidates.
Customisable: No; Can be turned off: Yes

Right to Work notifications. There are 3 types of Right to Work notifications.

An employee has uploaded their Right to Work and it is now awaiting your review.
Customisable: No; Can be turned off: Yes

The status of an employee's Right to Work changes to 'Expires Soon'.
​You will be notified when a Staff Member’s Right to Work expires soon.

Customisable: No; Can be turned off: Yes

The status of an employee's Right to Work changes to 'Expired'.
You will be notified when a Staff Member’s Right to Work has expired.

Customisable: No; Can be turned off: Yes

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