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System and user tags

System vs custom. What's the difference and how to use tags?

Written by Sarah Plumley
Updated over a year ago

System tags

System tags will indicate the status of a staff member's compliance and are assigned automatically by the system. You can filter by system tags in the staff table, this is a quick and simple way to focus on which staff members require an action or are compliant in a specific requirement.

GMC tags

1. GMC OK, colour: green

  • Registered with Licence

  • Temporary registration with Licence

2. GMC Alert, colour: yellow

  • Provisionally registered with Licence

  • Provisionally registered without a Licence

  • Temporary registration without a Licence

  • Registered without a Licence

3. GMC Alert, colour: red

  • Suspended

  • Not Registered - Having relinquished registration

  • Not Registered - Erased for fraudulent application

  • Not Registered - Erased after Fitness to Practise Panel hearing

  • Not Registered - temporary registration expired

  • Not Registered - Deceased

  • Not Registered - Administrative Reason

  • Not Registered

  • Not Registered - Provisional Registration Expired

4. GMC Not Found, colour: red

  • No information about the user in the GMC register

5. No GMC number, colour: red

  • Invalid registration number

​DBS tags

  1. DBS OK, colour: green.



The user is on the Update Service and their certificate is clear and no new information since its issue.

2. DBS Alert, colour: yellow


The user is on the update service and their certificate in NOT clear but no new information since its issue.

3. DBS Alert, colour: red


The certificate should not be relied upon as new information is now available. You should request a new certificate.

4. DBS Not Found, colour: red


The user is not found on the database.

​Performers List tags

1. Performers OK, colour: green

There is any information about the user in the Performers List.

2. Performers Alert, colour: red
The system was not able to check the user's status in the Performers List (this can happen when the Performers list website is down).

3. Performers Not Found, colour: red
There is no information about the user in the Performers List.

4. Performers Notice, colour: red
The registration number entered in personal info was sent to the Performers list but no response was received so the check failed

HCPC tags

  1. HCPC OK, colour: green
    The user has the Registered status at HCPC

  2. HCPC Alert, colour: yellow

  • Registered Conditions of Practice

  • Registered Interim Conditions of Practice

  • Registered Cautioned

3. HCPC Alert, colour: red

  • Deregistered Suspension

  • Deregistered

  • Interim Suspension

  • Unknown status

4. HCPC Not Found, colour: red
There is no information about the user in HCPC register or their registration number is invalid.

Credentially tip: Blue tags on the employees' table show the clinician's medical speciality.

References tags

1. References OK, colour: green. This tag means the user has all the reference required for their role, and all references are approved by the administrator.

2. No references, colour: red. This tag means the user should have some references, but they don't have any.

3. Reference not enough, colour: red. This tag appears on the Employee list, on the dashboard, on the user profile. It means that the user has fewer references than needed for his role.

4. Reference sent, colour: yellow. You will see this tag if Credentially successfully sent reference request for the user less than 14 days ago.

5. Reference sent { delay days } days ago, colour: red. This tag appears if we successfully sent a reference request for the user more than two weeks ago and didn't get any reply from the referee.

6. Reference denied, colour: red. This tag means that one of the administrators denied the reference they got from the employee's referee. As soon as the user receives another reference and the admin approves it, the tag disappears.

7. Reference awaiting approval, colour: yellow. This tag means that you should review one of the user's mandatory references.

8. Reference bounced, colour: red. If you see this tag, it means that reference request for some reason didn't reach the referee's inbox.

Documents tags

Documents tags appear in the Staff members table for all employees. If a user is NOT COMPLIANT, active integrations' tags can also be seen on their profile.

1. Documents Missing, colour: red. Documents Awaiting Approval if one or more mandatory documents for user role are not uploaded.

2. Documents Expired, colour: red. This tag means that one or more mandatory documents for user role are expired.

3. Documents Declined, colour: red. Can see this tag if one or more mandatory documents for user role were declined.

4. Documents Awaiting Approval, colour: yellow. This tag appears if there are documents in a user's profile that need to be reviewed by an administrator.

5. Documents Expire Soon, colour: yellow:

User tags

You can also assign custom tags to a staff member.

How to add custom user tags

To tag someone with a particular word, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the staff member profile.

  2. Open the slide panel.

Added auto suggest for user tags in the Admin panel:

  • search is case-insensitive; search is made across all currently assigned

  • user tags in the organisation; if the tag is not found, the system allows creating a new tag.

NOTE: one tag can not be longer than 128 symbols.

4. When you are done, click the blue tick.

Custom tags appear in the staff members' table in grey colour. Both system and custom tags can be used to filter users by a particular parameter. 

How to find people with certain tags

System tags appear in the tags column on staff members tab next to the employee name. Custom tags will appear in the separate 'User Tags' column. You can also use filters to find people marked with tags. 

For this, use the filter icon in the corresponding column: Tags - for systems tags, User Tags - for custom tags created by you.

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