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How to complete onboarding for a staff member?
How to complete onboarding for a staff member?

What to do if you have invited a user but forgot to click the 'Skip onboarding' button?

Irina Zadrutskaya avatar
Written by Irina Zadrutskaya
Updated over a week ago

To complete onboarding for a user, please follow the steps below:

  1. Open the user's profile;

  2. Go to the 'Onboarding' tab;

  3. Click 'Complete onboarding';

Please note: only default Administrators and roles with the 'Complete' permission from the 'Onboarding' permission group can complete onboarding for other users.

As a default administrator (or if you have the 'Complete' permission from the 'Onboarding' permission group), you may also want to complete only specific steps in the user's onboarding without asking them to take any action.

The procedure is the following:

  1. Go to the user's profile;

  2. Open the 'Onboarding' tab;

  3. Press 'Complete' next to the name of the step:

After you complete the step for a user, you will see the information about an administrator who completed the step (first name and last name).

Please also pay attention to the following cases:

1) if you complete the onboarding step and the type of that onboarding step is approval, the system approves the user automatically;

2) if you want to complete the Questionnaire step of onboarding and the questionnaire is not completed by a user, the system deletes the not completed questionnaire version from the user’s profile and marks the Questionnaire onboarding step as completed.

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