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Release Notes 1.58.0
Release Notes 1.58.0
Irina Zadrutskaya avatar
Written by Irina Zadrutskaya
Updated over a week ago

New functionalities:

1) Export individual profile data

2) Configure document compliance rules

3) Open user profile in a new tab

4) Delete an incorrectly uploaded document

5) Use the ‘Current employment’ option into the reference

1) Export individual profile data (CSV, documents, pictures)

We’re pleased to announce that we have added the functionality to download individual profile data. This functionality is useful when an ex-employee needs to be deleted from the system, but for legal reasons some or all of their data needs to be archived or retained. It also brings benefits when candidate data may need to be shared with someone who is not on the Credentially platform, for example, recruiters who need to share their candidate’s data with their clients.

Exporting data is restricted to Administrators, roles granted specific export privileges and the profile owner (staff member) themselves.

By clicking on the ‘Export Data’ button, administrators and profile owners will be able to download:

  1. A CSV file;

  2. All documents from the ‘Document’ tab in the formats they were initially uploaded to the system;

  3. User’s uploaded profile image;

  4. Signed organisation documents.

Note: Export functionality does not export completed questionnaires or references.

To export data of a particular user in your organisation:

  1. Go to the ‘Staff’ table and choose a user whose data you want to export;

  2. Choose the ‘Personal Information’ tab;

  3. Click on the ‘Export data’ button placed on the right top corner of the large profile image;

    You will see the following pop-up reminder on the screen:

    Here is the example of the ‘User’s data is ready’ notification that administrators receive:

    Here is the example of the ‘Your data is ready’ notification the profile owner receives:

    2) Configure document compliance rules

    Now on Credentially, you can select the document statuses you wish to be included in compliance calculations. Previously, only the three document statuses, ‘Awaiting approval’, ‘Expires soon’, and ‘Valid’, contributed to the general compliance rate by default. However, based on your direct feedback we have added more flexibility.

    Therefore, should you wish to review and approve uploaded documents first, so only ‘Valid’ and ‘Expires soon’ documents are counted in the compliance calculations, you can exclude the ‘Awaiting approval’ option from the list.

    As an administrator with access to ‘Organisation Settings’, you can easily change. Please follow the instructions below:

    1) Click on the ‘Organisation Settings’ tab;

    2) Open the ‘Compliance Requirements’ tab;

    3) Find the ‘Settings’ button and click on it to configure document compliance rules.

    4) Then, select the document statuses you want to be used for compliance calculations. Please keep in mind that ‘Awaiting approval’, ‘Expires soon’, and ‘Valid’ options are ticked by default.

Note: Once configured, this status behaviour will apply to all document types in your organisation.

3) Open user profile in a new tab

Sometimes you may want to open multiple profiles in separate tabs to work with many candidates at the same time. Staff members’ names and profile pictures are now clickable links that enable you to open users’ profiles in a separate tab.

Just hover over a user’s name or avatar. Then, click on the right button of your mouse and choose the option ‘Open link in new tab’. Alternatively, click on a user’s name or avatar, and it will open the selected user’s profile in a new tab.

Note: Subject to the administrator has no outstanding onboarding requirements.

4) Deletion of an incorrectly uploaded document

If your organisation is using strict mode, removing an incorrectly uploaded document is difficult as the applicant cannot access the documents tab.

With this improvement, even in 'Strict mode', applicants who have mistakenly uploaded wrong documents or whose documents have been already declined by administrators, can now upload correct/valid documents. They need to go back to the 'Document upload' step and upload a new file. They can also review, download and delete an old version of the document.

Note: If the document status is ‘Valid’, meaning it has been reviewed and approved by administrators, applicants cannot delete it.

5) ‘Current employment’ option added into the reference

We have added the option to specify that an applicant or current employee is still working for an organisation representative of which provides a reference.

A referee may tick the ‘Current employment’ checkbox if relevant when answering the reference request. Please see an example below.

If an applicant/existing employee or administrator wants to upload a reference file, they can also use this ‘Current employment’ functionality. By clicking this checkbox, the system auto-completes the ‘To’ section with ‘Present’. Please see an example below.

UX improvements

1) Compliance Requirements Page Update

2) Notification settings update

1) Compliance Requirements Page Update

Now roles are displayed in a separate column on the left to allow quick navigation.

2) Notification settings update

Now administrators' notification settings are grouped by topic (Compliance, DBS, Documents, Invitation, Onboarding, Professional Registration, Reference, Right to Work) and presented in alphabetical order.

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