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Archived user feature
Written by Sarah Plumley
Updated over a week ago

With the Archive User feature the system allows administrators with corresponding permissions to archive any staff member from the admin panel.

This feature could be useful for customers who easily need to retrieve staff member data and documents to evidence compliance at a point in time but no longer need to monitor compliance or the staff member receive notifications if compliance requirements are expiring soon or expired. 

If you are interested in finding out more about how to turn on this feature and obtaining a quote, contact your CSM directly or

How to archive a user 

The system allows Administrators with corresponding permissions to archive any staff member (Not Invited, Invited, Active) directly from the admin panel in the staff member profile.

If the user is archived, the system sets a new status for this user Archived and staff member profile will be accessed via the "Archived staff" tab in the staff table.

Credentially tip: Default Administrators have permissions to archive/activate staff members by default. In order to enable permissions to archive/activate SMs, the role shall have Can View All Staff permission enabled. Click Organisation settings/Role management to manage permissions.

What happens when you archive a user?

The onboarding and compliance monitoring of a staff members will stop once you archive them and you can expect the following logic to apply to users with an archived status:

  • Archived users don’t receive any notifications.

  • Onboarding and compliance monitoring including document expirations, background checks, professional registration checks and RTW will pause.

  • Users can’t log in to the system.

  • All reference requests are invalidated.

  • Administrators are unable to export data and documents.

  • Administrators are unable to view staff member profiles.

  • Administrators are unable to assign/unassign users.

  • Administrators are unable to assign new questionnaires or organisational documents.

How to reactivate a user?

The system allows administrators with corresponding permissions to activate any staff member with archived status.

When activating the user, the system checks the previous status of this user and activates the user to the previous status. For example, User has Not Invited status > User is archived > User is activated > After the activation this user will have Not Invited status.

After the activation the system will:

  • Give access to the user profile. Documents, references, onboarding, questionnaires are restored automatically.

  • Allow user to log in (if the user status implies it)

  • Send standard user notifications (if the user status implies it)

  • Start compliance monitoring

Simply click on activate staff member in the staff table and confirm your action to reactivate a user. We recommend you review the staff member compliance package at point of activation and update if necessary.

Credentially tip: An administrator can reactivate one user at a time. Bulk archive or reactivation is not supported.

Credentially tip: An administrator can remove a user from the organisation directly from the Archive user tab by clicking on the 3 dots in the action column.

You can expect the following logic to apply for reactivated users:​

  • Users will be reactivated at the status when archived. For example an administrator will need to resend invite email manually if in invited status.

  • Onboarding version is not updated (if it was changed). An administrator may need to assign new onboarding.

  • If a new FCR package is created for the user role, this package will not be automatically assigned to the user with this role.

  • If an existing FCR package is no longer associated with the user role, this package will not be unassigned from the user with this role.

  • If FCR package that is already assigned to the archived user was modified (for example, new check/document is added), these changes will automatically apply to the user.

    Credentially tip: A candidate will not be notified when archived or reactivated.

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