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Overview dashboard

How to get instant statistics about your organisation onboarding and compliance, reporting, reports

Written by Sarah Plumley
Updated over 8 months ago

Our overview dashboard is a quick and easy way for your organisation to understand the important metrics needed to manage your onboarding and compliance processes and what tasks your team needs to give attention to.

​Contact your Customer Success Manager or to discuss your reporting requirements and a quote for a reporting license.

Dashboard filter and search functionalities

As with all our reporting dashboards click on the right "Show/hide filter pane" button to unhide the multiple options available to search or filter on.

Credentially tip: Example use cases could be to filter by "Assigned to" (understand a team member workload) or filter by "Role" if you want to focus credentialing a particular role where you have a shortage of staff members to place.

Pending Approvals

Onboarding = Number of staff members at "Waiting Approval" stage
Mandatory Documents = Number of documents at ""Waiting Approval" stage with options to select current or latest version.

Credentially tip: Right click on number to drill into staff member data


These user widgets give you an overall user status within your organisation, total number of users, their status and whether signed off, and to get further insight into your team productivity you can view yesterday, last seven days and last 30 days progress.

Credentially tip: Right click on number to drill into staff member data


Monitor your overall organisation compliance for non signed off and signed off staff members. Should you wish to focus your efforts on staff members approaching compliance to get them over the line, you can drill down into the staff member details.

Click on Signed Off and Non-Compliant Users to know which staff members you need to give urgent attention to.

Non Compliant Users compliance status

Focus your attention on the important compliance requirements for your non signed off staff members.

Mandatory Documents = Any documents that contribute to non-compliance (for example expired, declined, missing, awaiting approval)
References = Any references that contribute to non-compliance (for example expired, declined, missing, awaiting approval)

Other = Any incomplete other compliance requirements

DBS Update Service (UK) = Compliance requirement is unfulfilled, not found or adverse
Professional Registration & Performers List (UK) = Compliance requirement is unfulfilled, not found or adverse

Right to Work (UK) = Any right to work items that contribute to non-compliance (for example expired, declined, missing, awaiting approval)

Credentially tip: Right click on number to drill into staff member data


A quick snapshot of staff members and their onboarding status to help you focus efforts of staff members in danger of dropping out of the process. Stalled onboarding gives you full visibility of your top 5 staff members who have started but not completed their onboarding.

Click on Signed Up and Not Started Onboarding to know which staff members you need to give urgent attention to.

Get further insight into your team productivity or which staff members you can place for work, you can view yesterday, last seven days and last 30 days completed onboardings.

Credentially tip: Right click on number to drill into staff member data

Additional Information

Click on the Additional Information tab to see full visibility of your staff member requirements and where you or your team needs to give focus. There are a few widgets you can view:

Documents - including document status, documents that expired recently and details of documents due to expire in the next 1/2/3/4 weeks.

Right to Work (UK only) - including right to work status, right to work documents that expired recently and details of right to work documents due to expire in the next 1/2/3/4 weeks

DBS Update Service (UK only) - DBS update service status

References - view how many references are in each status

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