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How to view your Call Report

How to see the Calls that have been made over time.

Updated over a week ago

With our Call Report interface, all your inquiries are now listed in one consolidated view, making it quick for you to get up to date, resolve queries, and see disputes.

Here is how you can review those notes, and identify any action points:

Log in to CreditorWatch Collect, click the ‘Call’ tab

  1. Click the ‘View Report’ button

  2. Any Disputes are listed at the top of the report

  3. Queries from your Receivables Specialist will then be listed. 

  4. Resolve the queries by typing in the response box, and clicking Resolve
    (these contacts cannot be called again without your assistance.)

  5. Call notes are listed below. This will keep you up to date with progress being made with your debtors.
    (If you wish to add extra details to a debtor in your call list, exit the report, go into Calls, and add details to the debtors History)

  6. No answers are listed below this.

  7. Left a message at the bottom
    (No answers and left a message debtors will be followed up according to your SLA)

How to view Call notes from a certain day or time period

  1. Log in to CreditorWatch Collect, click the ‘Call’ tab

  2. Click the ‘View Report’ button

  3. Within the Report click the Calendar button (top right).

  4. Hold down the ‘Shift’ key then click the first and last date of the time period you would like to review. 

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