Once you are signed into your account;
Click on your Organisation name
Click Settings from the drop down menu
Click Reminders
Sending time of your email reminders
(Our software will recognise your timezone)
Reminders can skip weekends.
Best to use this if your debtors are businesses and unlikely to check emails on a weekend.
Email Sender settings.
You can change the address which reminder emails will show as being sent from.
This is also the email address that any replies from debtors will be sent to.
See more about how we log your reminders, and debtor replies.
Template Settings allow you even more control.
We recommend linking directly to the invoice if you use Xero, and have a payment gateway set up. (Unfortunately we don't have this capability for MYOB, or QuickBooks at the moment)
Hiding the link to full invoice is recommended if you don't want your client to see the line items on an invoice.
Account Summary Settings now available.
Choose to include specific details in the Account Summary.
Including the Reference is recommended if you use purchase order numbers