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Student Reports

Release dates for student reports

Updated over a week ago

Below you can find information on when you can expect to receive Student Reports for each cohort.

Signpost reports: sent to parents at the start of each year, usually within 3 weeks, as students settle into classes. Students may not have had any formal assessments so no grade is included. This report includes information on:

  • Homework

  • Lesson Participation

Progress or Full Reports (also includes Mid-Year or End-of-Year): sent to parents after each Exam. There are 3 examinations each year for every school. This report includes information on:

  • Examination Grade

  • Homework

  • Lesson Participation

You can expect to receive 3 - 5 reports during the academic year.

Greenwich September 2024

Progress Report

October 28th 2024

Mid-Year Report

January 17th 2025

End-of-Year Report

April 4th 2025

Pre-IG End-of-Year Report

July 2nd 2025

US September 2024

Progress Report 1

November 4th - 13th 2024

Progress Report 2

March 10th - 19th 2025

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