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How do I register for A Level/IGCSE/AP exams with CGA?
How do I register for A Level/IGCSE/AP exams with CGA?
Updated over a week ago

There are three exam sessions for IAL and IGCSE courses each year - January (IAL only), May/June (IAL/IGCSE) and October/November (IAL/IGCSE).

Pearson Edexcel exams are split across all three sessions. Cambridge International exams are only sat in May/June and Oct/Nov. A list of the available examination sessions for each subject is linked here.

There is one exam session for AP - May.

Approximately 3-4 months before each exam session, we will consult heads of department and teachers to determine which students/classes are targeting the upcoming exams. Students and parents in these classes will then receive an email with a proposed list of exams that they are scheduled to take, as well as a suggested exam centre (based on our address records) and an exam timetable with exam dates. Students/parents will be prompted to respond to the email confirming whether the details are correct, or if any changes are required (e.g., if the exam centre is not suitable).

  1. If a student is in a location where there is a CGA examination centre, their registration will be handled by us directly (see below).

  2. If a student is in a location where there is no CGA examination centre, we will suggest the nearest third-party examination centre and provide instructions on how to sign up. All communication will then be between the student/parent and the exam centre, but we will readily provide support if needed.

For CGA centres - once all details are confirmed, an invoice will be sent with the exam administration/unit fees and, once payment is made, students will be registered for their exams. It is possible to register after the stated payment deadline, however, late fees will apply at this stage.

Once registered, students will be provided with a statement of entry and further details about the exams, as well as multiple email reminders before the exams begin.

If you want to sit an exam with CGA for a subject that you are not taking, or if you want to sit an exam in a session that you are not scheduled to sit an exam in, we will consider your request. Additionally, if you are not a current CGA student and still want to sit an exam at one of our centres, this may be possible for certain subjects.

In these cases, please contact the exams team by email at with your request.

(For reference, a current list of Edexcel exam centres can be found here, and a list of AP exam centres can be found here.)

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