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Crop types and cropping masks
Crop types and cropping masks

Configure cropping mask using crop types

Ramon avatar
Written by Ramon
Updated over a year ago

Once you have a crop marker such as a nose selected, you can choose the crop type as either "Crop from" or "Crop around".

Crop types help you create cropping mask based on your use-case. Here are a sampling of use-cases for each crop type:


Crop type to use


Unrecognizable faces for E-commerce

Crop from

E-commerce use-cases that need to crop the top portion of the face in order to turn the person's image into an unrecognizable face.

Extract individual faces for social media posts

Crop around

Social media marketers that need to quickly crop out individual faces from an image

Focus on a product instead of the model's face

Crop from

Marketers that need to compose an image to focus on the product instead of the model's face

Create a new image to post in a blog

Crop around

Web content writers that need to select a face with enough padding around it to fit into a blog's layout for an image

Create crops for multiple social media posts

Crop around or Crop from

Marketers that need to resize a cropped image for multiple social media posts can use either crop type but still take advantage of our auto-exports to multiple sizes.

Crop from

Crop from creates a cropping mask that will crop out everything from the selected side using the face marker such as a Nose as the starting point. For example, if you select Top as the crop side:

You will end up with an output image that just contains the top portion above the nose. Everything below the nose will be removed:

If you set the Crop side to Bottom you will end up with the an output image that contains the bottom portion above the nose. Everything above the nose will be removed:

Quick Tip: To create unrecognizable model faces for eCommerce, you will want to set the Crop side to Bottom.

Only with Crop from option can you choose top, bottom, left or right region to crop. All of this can be easily visualized using the Preview mode in the UI.

Crop around

Crop around creates a cropping mask that will crop out everything outside the crop mask surrounding the Nose marker as the reference point. For example:

Since Crop side option is not relevant with Crop around, the UI instead allows you to re-position the cropping mask using Position relative to the selected crop marker. For example, below X and Y are negative % which means the cropping mask has been moved to the bottom left of the nose.

With either Crop from or Crop around, you can change the size of the cropping mask using the Crop size UI control. This allows you to compose your crop with the desired area of interest. For example, to remove the left and right of the image, you could set the Left and Right to 70%:

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