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Users who benefit from our automations; typical use-cases

Ramon avatar
Written by Ramon
Updated over a year ago

Let's review the most common usage scenarios where shines:

#1 eCommerce

Creating unrecognizable images of models depicting your products at an eCommerce store is a repetitive task. You may go through multiple images every day or week that need to be turned into unrecognizable faces before they can be posted online. is the perfect solution to do this in seconds versus spending hours or days cropping using Photoshop or other editing tools.

#2 Social media

As a graphics designer or a retoucher, you or your marketing team needs to crop & resize the same image over & over again for different aspect ratios to post on social media. uses AI Face Detection to automatically select the area of interest to center your crops to best fit within the social media channel's recommended aspect ratio.

#3 AI Face Recognition Engine Training

As a media manager or a data scientist training AI Face Recognition engines require adding 5-10 crops of a person's face for every distinct age group. This can be time-consuming if you need to train your favorite face recognition engine on a multitude of persons. can isolate multiple faces within an image and help you create the crops with the minimum quality you need to train the AI engines. For example, if you wanted to train a video AI Face recognition engine to identify and label soccer players in 1000+ hours of video footage, can make that task a whole lot easier by extracting the face crops of players from existing images.

#4 Everyday Crops

Everyone crops images, you do it on your phone all the time before posting to your favorite social media account. That's ok for a limited number of images, but what happens when you have a lot of them? For example, if you need to crop 10+ high-resolution images and export them to a specific aspect ratio to create a photo album or before printing them, you will find yourself saving tons of time using even if you were a master of an editing app like Photoshop!

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