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What are Always on projects?

Why am I still receiving pledges after my project has closed?

Updated over 6 months ago

The Always on function enables Crowdfunder projects to continue raising funds once their project has closed successfully. The green icon shown below signifies that a project is Always on.

What are the benefits of Always on?

  • Keep raising funds post campaign

  • Continue telling your story and build on your project's success

  • Reach new audiences and receive ongoing exposure on Crowdfunder

PLEASE NOTE donations will still be subject to transaction fees.

Who’s it for?
Projects that want to make the most of an ongoing presence on Crowdfunder beyond their initial campaigns. You will be able to receive donations for the foreseeable future, making the most on any ongoing traffic that lands on your project page.

When can I launch (re-launch)?
You can enable Always on when creating your project. It will then switch to Always on automatically once your project is successful.

If you are on Keep What you Raise, this means your project will close successfully as long as you receive some donations, no matter how much you raise. If you are on All or Nothing funding, you must hit your target by the close date in order for your project to be considered successful and switch to Always on.

How do I switch this on for my live project?

Go to the 'Manage' section of your project dashboard and 'Enable Always On'. This will then allow your project to automatically switch when it closes successfully.

Projects that have closed successfully within the last 2 weeks will also be able to toggle on the Always on feature from their manage project section to make the most of traffic coming to their page right after it closed.

When do you receive the money?
Within 7 working days of each pledge:

Supporters will be charged at the time of making their pledge, each individual pledge payment will then be transferred to the project owner within 7 working days, so you don't need to wait until the end of a campaign to receive the money raised. 

However, your money will only be transferred if you have successfully verified your ID against your bank account details. It will take up to 7 working days from the date your ID is verified for the money to reach you. You can check to see if your ID has been successfully verified from the dashboard when editing your project.

Can I add rewards?
No, supporters can only make donations to your project once it switches to always on.

How do I switch my project off
Log into to your project dashboard and click on Manage. You will see the option to 'close and stop accepting pledges'. Click this button and your project will be closed successfully.

PLEASE NOTE that charity fundraisers automatically switch to Always on when they close.

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