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About CryptoQuant data
Written by Nick Pitto
Updated over a week ago

About CryptoQuant Data

CryptoQuant offers comprehensive data for crypto trading. It includes market data, on-chain data, short/long-term indicators for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Stablecoins, and ERC20 tokens.

├── Exchange-Flows/ // On-chain statistics(a.k.a money flow) of BTC transferred to and from exchange wallets.
├── Flow-Indicator/ // Indicators to signal possible price movements by assessing the value of BTC.
├── Market-Indicator/ // Indicators to forecast market moves.
├── Network-Indicator/ // Indicators to evaluate whether BTC is overvalued or not.
├── Miner-Flows/ // On-chain statistics of affiliated miners' wallets to evaluate supply circumstances.
├── Inter-Entity-Flows/ // On-chain statistics of flows between entities to see miners’ liquidation and exchange competiton.
├── Fund-Data/ // Regulated funds’ data.
├── Market-Data/ // Capitalization models to explore alternatives to market price.
└── Network-Data/ // General statistics of Bitcoin network usage as a basis for price models.

├── Exchange-Flows/ // On-chain statistics(a.k.a money flow) of ETH transferred to and from exchange wallets.
├── ETH2.0/ // Ethereum 2.0 statistics
├── Fund-Data/ // Regulated funds’ data.
├── Market-Data/ // ETH price.

├── Exchange-Flow/ // On-chain statistics(a.k.a money flow) of stablecoins transferred to and from exchange wallets.
├── Market-Data/ // Capitalization models to explore alternatives to market price.
└── Network-Data/ // Network usage metrics that help to examine the liquidity of the cryptocurrency market.

├── Exchange-Flow/ // On-chain statistics(a.k.a money flow) of ERC20 tokens transferred to and from exchange wallets.
├── Market-Data/ // ERC20 tokens price.

The list of exchanges/mining pools supported by CryptoQuant varies based on cryptocurrency. Checkout the list by clicking the link below.

What is on-chain data?

On-chain data is a meaningful metric that summarizes on-chain activities via transactions recorded on blockchain networks. With on-chain data, traders can see what happens in the networks that finally results in price movement. For example, network data provides us valuation sources for the networks, and flow data gives us an insight into actual major players' money flow in the networks. CryptoQuant aims to provide full historical on-chain data which allows you to build an in-depth understanding of the markets, therefore, leading you to make robust trading strategies.

Why do we need on-chain data?

On-chain data allows traders to view legitimate activities that occur in the entire blockchain ecosystem for correct valuation of the network whereas market price can be easily manipulated especially in cryptocurrency markets. These data from blockchain networks can be compared to traditional valuation frameworks such as financial statements in stock markets and network valuation methods (e.g. Facebook's social network).

To learn further about on-chain data and indicators provided by CryptoQuant, check out our Data Guide📕.

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