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Why trust CryptoQuant data?
Why trust CryptoQuant data?
Written by Nick Pitto
Updated over a week ago

CryptoQuant analyzes every single transaction on the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchain networks.

Blockchain can offer great potential, but it has its vulnerabilities rising as well. Among different data you can observe, market data is being cultivated and manipulated as the market is getting bigger by the day. Thus, the importance of on-chain data is growing bigger and bigger.

We keep track of every single transaction that occurs in the market, label addresses through dusting and machine learning-based clustering, identify entities whether it's an exchange or a mining pool, etc.

Outputs of our analysis can be one of the followings: 1) network data that relates to blockchain network itself such as active address count, 2) market data related to price data evoked by cryptocurrency exchanges, 3) entity flow data that summarize money flow movement among the most important players in the network such as exchanges and miners.

To be more specific about our entity flow data, CryptoQuant currently tracks on-chain flow metrics for Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Stablecoins, and Altcoins. For example, knowledge of exchange addresses allows us to determine the supply held by exchanges and to calculate on-chain flows—i.e., the transfer of native units—into or out of addresses associated with exchanges. Measuring flows and supply held is an imperfect science so caution must be applied in their application to trading or other uses cases, particularly in the early periods of their release. (note 1)

We provide real-time charts and raw entity data by following the steps below.

  1. Collect labeled addresses by preceding thorough and vast amount of dusting process

  2. Serve our data efficiently and securely

  3. Ensure that we have valid labeled addresses based on reserve analysis, trend analysis, graph analysis, and data statistic analysis.

Data provided by CryptoQuant is trusted and used by top media such as Cointelegraph, Coindesk, Forbes, and Bloomberg.

We've also helped solve money-laundering cases in Korea with these address label data, closely working with Korean Police Agency and Prosecution Service. The Korean government supports us to spend a million USD to investigate wallets since 2019.

note 1: As you may already know, new exchange wallets are constantly being made so periodic update of entity data is needed. To meet the needs of both quants who want to use a fixed data and researchers/traders who want to analyze updated data, we provide two branches. stable is created once every 1 month. It duplicates the current branch clustering of the time of the update and maintains the data for the next 1 month. dynamic is updated every week with the most recent clustering algorithm. Each branch is usually updated on Tuesday. stable branch will be updated on the 1st Tuesday of every month.

If you’re looking for fixed data, you can use the stable branch and if you want to check out new data every week, you can use the dynamic branch. Since the Stable branch is updated after 1 month(max) even if the new cold wallet is found, a huge outlier might occur.

The charts provided by the CryptoQuant Website use Dynamic branch.

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