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Using the Cryptosheets API Console, Query and Function Formula Builder for Excel & Googlesheets
Using the Cryptosheets API Console, Query and Function Formula Builder for Excel & Googlesheets

Learn how to use the API console & function builder to pull data from any provider or source and create custom function formulas on the fly

Written by Chris Ware
Updated over a week ago

*Please note: we are constantly making updates and adding new functionality to the Cryptosheets API console(s) so some of this material may become temporarily outdated and subsequently updated from time to time. You can stay up to date by visiting our change log updates.


API Console Tutorials by Section


Feature comparison v1.0 vs v2.0

Detailed Feature Breakdown by Section


The Cryptosheets API console allows users to make dynamic API calls against any integrated provider or available data source. Each endpoint (per provider) can be accessed through its own console and is configured specifically to match the required parameters and requirements of that specific endpoint.

The console is broken out into 5 major parts:

  1. Description

  2. Request & function builder

  3. Inspector

  4. Parameters & fields

  5. Help Center



1. Using the query / function builder

Everytime you load a console there should be a default query string & function formula built and shown. As you type, change, select and enter your specific query parameters in each field the query/function builder will automatically udpate in real time. You can then:

  • Click MAKE REQUEST  (sends data directly to sheet)

  • Click the copy to clipboard  button (to copy the string)

  • Click the toggle resource/excel formula  button and copy the formula (can be pasted into any cell)


2. Using the parameters & fields chooser

Every endpoint has specific parameter fields associated with it. Some endpoints may have drop down menus with precanned options to quickly choose from. 

  • If the checkbox is grayed out but checked that means the parameter is mandatory and you cannot make a request for the data unless the field is filled out (if it is not, then the field is not mandatory)


3. Using the inspector

Every time you click make request  you will see a success (or failure) message at the top. Once the message has appeared, three things will happen:

  1. You should see the data you chose has written to the sheet range you selected

  2. You should see a green check mark next to the inspector tab

  3. You can click on the inspector tab to drill down into the API response, including the full structure of the data object, shape or array it returned

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Additional Resources



Tags: console, api, #uniconcolse, #uni, #api, #console, #side panel, functions, function builder, formulas, make request, get data, tutorial, guide, excel, googlesheets, cryptodata, query builder

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