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How to add your Deribit API key in Cryptosheets
How to add your Deribit API key in Cryptosheets

Update your Cryptosheets settings with your Deribit API key to instantly access all of your positions, orders & trades in real time

Written by Chris Ware
Updated over a week ago

Adding your Deribit API Key to Cryptosheets in 30 seconds

Follow these quick steps to enable full access to all of your Deribit account data from inside Cryptosheets in Excel or Googlesheets.

Adding your API key:

  1. Get your Deribit API key from your account page on the Deribit API website

  2. Login to your Cryptosheets account

  3. Go to the settings section

  4. Select All Integrations

  5. Activate your Deribit integration

  6. Follow the steps to enter your required credentials (see pictures below) including your client_id, clienbt_secret & grant_type
    *note for grant_type please enter client_credentials

Test a Deribit API Private Endpoint to Verify

  1. From Cryptosheets select a Deribit private endpoint

  2. Press Make Request OR enter a custom function
    =CS.QUERYA("Deribit","Private Get Positions","kind","future","currency","BTC","Authorization","Your Auth Token")

    Google Sheets
    =CSQUERYA("Deribit","Private Get Positions","kind","future","currency","BTC","Authorization","Your Auth Token")

  3. Verify you see your holdings

  4. For larger accounts remember there are defaults on results returned but you can easily adjust these to return your entire portfolio

Explore Deribit Tutorials & Help Docs

  1. Select Deribit from the left menu (under providers)

Use quick access support resources:

  1. Cryptosheets Docs portal dedicated endpoint page

  2. Provider's native API docs page

  3. YouTube example & tutorial link


  • Deribit maintains strict geographical and jurisdictional based KYC/AML restrictions which may preclude you from using the Deribit / Cryptosheets integration based on your IP address, please contact us with any issues or questions

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TAGS : deribit, options, bitcoin options, deribit account, excel, googlesheets, spreadsheet, crypto data, bitcoin, blockchain, crypto derivatives, portfolio, margin, strike price, deribit api, api keys

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