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Yield Data FAQ
Updated over a year ago

Only available to DecipherAg Plus or Biomass+ users

Q1. What is Yield Data?

DecipherAg’s Yield Data product enables you to upload, view, map and save your yield data, which is the data gathered by the yield monitor in your header while harvesting, in the one place to better understand how your crop has performed.

Q2. How do I access Yield Data?

Yield Data is sold through your Account Manager. Contact them to discuss a Yield subscription and uploading your Yield Data.

Q3. What yield file types can I upload?

DecipherAg supports the following formats for uploading into Yield Data:

  • John Deere - Gen 1 (GSY) ,2 (GSD), 3 (RCD) and 4 (JD-DATA)

  • Case New Holland - .vyg and .vyg1

  • Agleader - .agdata

  • CLAAS, Topcon and Trimble - ISO

The files need to be compressed as a zip file to upload into DecipherAg.

You can upload multiple seasons, as there is no limit on the number of seasons, for a paddock. For example, you can upload the last five seasons of yield data for the same paddocks.

The data is unlocked from the controller proprietary file format and converted into a common raster format. Once the files have been uploaded into Decipher, you will be able to access the raw yield files in MyData at the top of the map and download them if you wish.

Read more about which yield monitors and file types are supported here.

Q4. My yield data in DecipherAg looks incorrect and incomplete. Why?

Yield data can reveal a comprehensive picture of variable conditions across a paddock, however, yield data straight off the monitor can be imperfect for a number of reasons. For example, your machinery may not be properly calibrated; grain flow can be impeded or interrupted; the header can speed up or slow down; conflicting data from multiple headers; and start and end pass delays.

This can cause the yield data to be inconsistent and patchy. In many cases, the yield data needs to be cleaned. DecipherAg's Yield Cleaning product processes the inconsistent and patchy data, and smooths out and eliminates data issues, creating an accurate, meaningful image to display on your farm maps.

Read more about the difference between Yield Data (raw output) and Yield Cleaning (cleaned data) here. 

Q5. How I filter my yield data ?

From the yield menu option, you can select in the side panel to view your yield data on the map by the following options:

  • Raw (Gridded) or Cleaned (Contoured)

  • Season (year)

  • Crop type (commodity)

The option to view by variety is not yet available.

Read more about Yield Data here:

Need some more help? Just get in touch.

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