DecipherAg Mobile has been designed to operate effectively in areas of low or no signal.ย
We do recommend to open the app while you are within range to ensure that any job update has come through.
While offline you cannot:
log into DecipherAg Mobile. That only covers logging in for the first time or logging out and logging in again. If you've logged in already you will remain logged in until you log yourself out, no matter how many times you open and close the App.
get new jobs that have been assigned to you. If a job is assigned to you while you're offline it will not appear in your job list until you next have a strong enough signal to communicate with the server.
get updates on jobs that have been assigned to you. If a job is reassigned, ie. assigned to a different sampler, it will be removed from your list. This will not happen until you're online.
While offline you can:
open the app.
start a job that has been assigned to you.
start an adhoc sampling job for an existing org.
start an adhoc sampling job for a new org.
complete a sampling job from start to finish
fully or partially submit a sampling job. Read more about submitting while offline here.