Only available to DecipherAg Plus users
DecipherAg displays Gross Margin (GM) across paddocks.
This calculation is based on fertiliser applications and their associated costs compared with yield and grain price.
The inputs required for this tool are crop types, fertiliser applications and their average cost per tonne, along with the crop yield and the average price from grain sale.
This calculation only factors in nutrition costs and can give an indication of return on investment for fertiliser use, however it does not allow for other costs associated with the production of the crops.
Gross Margin is expressed in terms of dollars per hectare.
Equation :
(Yield x Grain price) – (Fertiliser application x cost)
To be able to view the Gross Margin review tool, you need to have approved your actuals, specifically Crop types, Product applications and yield at a paddock level. In addition, you need to have entered average cost of product and price of grain sold.
What are actuals? | DecipherAg Help Center (
How do I record farm actuals in DecipherAg? | DecipherAg Help Center (
Entering Grain Prices and Fertilisers costs:
Note: Your prices and costs will only save if you select the box on the bottom right end side of the pop up screen.
To view your Gross Margin:
Select 'Review' on the left-hand menu - Select 'Insights'
Select the GM tab.
Ensure actuals, prices and costs have been entered
Optional – Navigate between seasons and filter by farm and crop
On the map, each paddock with sufficient information will be coloured based on its gross margin.
Hover on a paddock to see:
Details – Crop type, yield, rainfall, Costs, prices, margins, products, applications rates and costs
Products: List of products and costs associated with this paddock
History – last 3 years history of the crop type, yield and margin
In the top right of the screen is the summary for each crop (of the selected year). This allows you to compare the gross margin between crops.
Hover on the column for each crop to see the different gross margin values for each paddock
You can expand/collapse that window by selecting the arrows on the top right of the box.