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How can I solve media not downloading in the Automator?
How can I solve media not downloading in the Automator?

Learn how to solve media of your Cue Blocks not downloading (yellow spinner)

Updated over a month ago

Indicators of media not downloading

When adding a 'device' to your Automator, you have to configure the 'Downloader' section of the device in order to have media from the Episode be downloaded to your download folder (depending on the type of the device).

When this configuration is done correctly, the media from your Episode will download and the media thumbnails on your triggers receive a green checkmark next to them.

Should there be an issue in this configuration, then the media might get stuck with a yellow spinner next to the thumbnail, or even a red warning symbol.

Checking your 'Downloader' configuration to resolve media not downloading

Media not downloading can have different causes, but these are the most common ones to check in your settings.

Download folder misconfiguration

When configuring the Automator to download media for your device, two download folders (folder paths) need to be entered:

  • The 'Download folder' is the folder where the Automator will download all media into for your device (vMix, TriCaster,...), with its location seen as from the Automator.

  • The 'Device media folder' is the exact same folder as mentioned above, but with its location seen as from the device (vMix, TriCaster,...) itself this time.

These folder paths depend on where you have created your download folder, as well as whether or not the Automator and your device (vMix, TriCaster,...) are on the same computer.

  • If your device (vMix, TriCaster,...) and Automator are installed on the same computer, these two folder paths should be exactly the same.

  • If your device (vMix, TriCaster,...) and Automator are on separate computers, these two folder paths will be different, as shown in the example below.

Not all Cue Blocks with media were defined, or were not defined correctly

At the bottom of the 'Downloader' configuration, all Cue Blocks of which you need the media to be downloaded for your automations, need to be added to the list.

By default, you are likely to add your Clips, Graphics, Audio,... Blocks here. But given the fact that you can customize your Blocks to your own needs, as well as custom create your own Blocks from scratch, you need to make sure this list is up-to-date according to the Cue Blocks you created in your Cuez Project.

E.g.: If my Cuez Project contains custom Cue Blocks such as 2-boxes, Lower thirds, Question Blocks,... and these Cue Blocks contain a media field, then we have to define these Blocks in the 'Downloader' section.

If your Block contains more than one media field, make sure to add the Block multiple times, once for each of its media fields.

Reloading the Episode

If you are certain that the above settings have been correctly configured, but downloading remains an issue, then sometimes reloading the Episode can solve the issue. For this, simply exit out of the Episode in the Automator and reopen it.
In some cases, it might be that you have to quit the Automator and relaunch it.

With the above steps (download folder, defining the Blocks,...), your media should now download and show a green checkmark next to the thumbnail on the trigger.

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