A Passage action represents the process of lifting adherent cells off of Starting Vessels or collection of Wells and depositing them into new Vessels or Wells. It is assumed that the process of lifting cells from their Starting Vessels/Wells is destructive. As a result, the Starting Vessels or Wells cannot be used for future culture work and will be terminated.
Common Workflow
Assign Passage Action to the Culture Track
In the Navigator, identify the Culture Track that will be passaged and click the appropriate calendar day to open the Culture Track Daily Details view.
In the Today’s Actions tab of the interface, select the vessels or wells that you want to Passage.
Click on the name link of the Passage Action to open the Action Details view.
Create ending Vessel
In the Vessels Tab, specify the ending vessels/wells for the passage action. There are two options
Add new ending vessel: This option will create entirely new vessels that can be used as Ending Vessels
Add wells from an existing vessel: This will show an inventory of existing vessels that have unused wells.
Rules / Behaviors
All Starting Vessels/Wells that are included in the Passage Action will automatically be terminated on completion of the Passage Action.
All Ending Vessels/Wells that are the result of the Passage Action will be automatically transferred to a new Culture Track.
The Culture Track Properties for the newly created Culture Track will be determined by the following rules:
By default, the Cell Name, Identifier, Cell Type, Protocol Template and Owner will be inherited from the Culture Track that provided the Starting Vessels.
The Passage Number will be automatically increased by 1.
The Cell Name, Identifier, Cell Type, Protocol Template and Passage Number can be edited.
The Owner property cannot be edited.