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Release Notes: CultureTrax v2.1.0

Release notes for the current version of CultureTrack including New Features, Design Improvements, Bug Fixes and Known Issues.

Written by Kevin Conard
Updated over a week ago

CultureTrax v2.1.0 Release Notes

(Live Launch on 17-JULY-2019 @ 5pm CDT)

New Features

  • Quick Feed and Quick No Action Features.

  • Plus Sign ( + ) - Date-Specific Addition Menu 

Design Improvements

  • Warning Icon on the date row of the Navigator.

  • Pre-filtered Material suggestions removed.

Bug Fixes

  • #26: Starting vessels don't differentiate wells marked as  'Inactive/Uncoated' .

  • #121: File-naming conflict when importing materials.

  • #329: Erroneous use of 'New' designation for vessels.

  • #331: Can't see protocol timeline when Culture Track is Moved to new Owner.

  • #342: Culture Track Details page navigating back to wrong date range.

  • #348: Inability to Copy Culture Tracks.

  • #349: Can't add wells from more than one Existing Vessel.  

  • #361: Incorrect display for Starting Vessels in the Culture Track Details page.

Known Issues

  • #373: Warning Icon on Date Row retained after completing Quick Actions.


Quick Feed & Quick No Action (New Features): These related features make it extremely easy and efficient to document and complete routine Feed Actions and No Actions. The Quick Feed is started by selecting a Complete Media Material. Any Culture Track that has a Feed with the selected Material can participate in the Quick Feed action. This means that it is possible to do a Quick Feeds across multiple Protocol Templates. The Quick No Action work in a way that is very similar to the legacy Multi-Track Action feature, but there are significantly fewer button clicks required to get to the end of the process.   

Plus Menu ( + ) - Date-Specific Addition Menu (New Feature): The process for creating New Culture Tracks, Multi-Track Actions, and Quick Actions is more efficient and intuitive through the Plus Menu feature. Each Date in the Navigator is now accompanied by a plus sign. When clicked, a menu appears that allows the user to add a New Culture Track, conduct a Quick Action, or create a traditional Multi-Track Action on the selected date. This eliminates several clicks from each of these workflows, and allows the user to start these addition processes while viewing the current state of their Culture work on the Navigator.   

Warning Icon on the Date Row of the Navigator (Design Improvements): Individual Culture Tracks have long displayed a triangular warning icon when they are not up-to-date (IN PROGRESS status is in the past). These warnings can be hard to identify if they appear on Culture Tracks that can only be seen by scrolling. To address this, this warning icon has been added to the Date Row at the top of the Navigator grid.

Pre-Filtered Material Suggestions Removed (Design Improvements): When creating or editing Actions within a Protocol Template, a pre-filtered list of Material suggestions would be displayed. Most users found these suggestions annoying, and they caused anxiety if one of the suggested items was not needed for the specified action. We decided to eliminate these pre-filtered Material options/suggestions from v2.1.0. 

Starting vessels don't differentiate wells marked as 'Inactive/Uncoated' (Bug #26): When creating a new Culture Track, the graphic used to show the Initial Starting Vessel didn't differentiate between 'unselected wells' and 'inactive/uncoated wells' even though they have very different meanings. This has been fixed in v2.1.0. 

File-naming conflict when importing materials (Bug #121): When importing materials from an MS Excel file, there are often Materials that cannot be imported because they contain faulty data, or they are missing required data. When this happens CultureTrax exports a complimentary Excel file that contains all of the Materials that could not be imported. This makes it easier for the user to correct the mistakes and re-import the missing items. Previously, the name of the file containing the missing materials was the same as the originally imported file, which often caused confusion. Now, a unique file name is created for the exported missing items.

Erroneous use of 'New' designation for vessels (Bug #329): The Starting Vessels in new Culture Tracks were being displayed with the 'New' designation. The New designation should only be used when a vessel is created as a result of an Action (i.e. a Passage), and not for Starting Vessels on the first day of the Culture Track. This erroneous use of the 'New' designation has been corrected.

Can't see protocol timeline when Culture Track is Moved to new Owner (Bug #331): There was a fairly obscure bug that was causing the Protocol Timeline graphic to not appear in the Protocol Details view after a Culture Tracks had been Moved to a new Owner. This problem has been corrected in v2.1.0.

Culture Track Details page navigating back to wrong date range (Bug #342): In certain circumstances, when navigating to and from the Culture Track Details page, the user would be returned to the wrong date range of the Navigator. This problem has been corrected.

Inability to Copy Culture Tracks (Bug #348): The ability to Copy Culture Tracks from the Culture Track Details page was unintentionally eliminated starting with CultureTrax v2.0.0. This Copy feature has been restored in v2.1.0.

Can't add wells from more than one Existing Vessel (Bug #349): There was a bug that prevented users from adding wells from more than one Existing Vessel when doing a Passage or other Action that required expansion into more vessels. This problem has been corrected.    

Incorrect display for Starting Vessels in the Culture Track Details page (Bug #361): A bug was identified that caused the incorrect vessel graphics and details to be displayed in the Initial Starting Vessels section of the Culture Track Details page. This was especially problematic when the Culture Track was started from cryopreserved cells, and well plates were being displayed instead of the source cryovial details. This problem has been corrected in v2.1.0.

Warning Icon on Date Row retained after completing Quick Actions (Known Issue, #373): The Warning Icon (orange triangle) on the Date Row of the Navigator doesn't update after a Quick Action has been completed. If a Quick Action completes all remaining Culture Tracks on a day that was displaying the Warning Icon (i.e. the day had Culture Tracks that were behind schedule), the Icon will be retained on that day even though all of the Culture Tracks have now been completed and advanced forward. The erroneous Icon is cleared after the Navigator has been refreshed. Target Fix Date - Aug 1st, 2019. (v2.1.1)

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