CultureTrax v2.1.1 Release Notes
(Live Launch on 12-AUG-2019 @ 5pm CDT)
New Features
<No New Features>
Design Improvements
<No Design Improvements>
Bug Fixes
#373: Warning Icon on Date Row retained after completing Quick Actions.
#374: The Release Notes link in the Footer navigates to the wrong page.
#375: Not possible to edit protocol templates after creating a New Culture Track.
#376: Not possible to use an External Protocol Template to create Culture Tracks.
Known Issues
<No Known Issues>
Warning Icon on Date Row retained after completing Quick Actions (Bug Fixes, #373): If a Quick Action completed all remaining Culture Tracks on a day that was displaying the Warning Icon, this Icon would be retained even though all of the Culture Tracks had been completed and advanced forward. This has been resolved in v2.1.1.
The Release Notes link in the Footer navigates to the wrong page (Bug Fixes, #374): The Release Notes link in the Footer of CultureTrax was navigating to a single article of the help system instead of the entire collection of Release Notes. This has been updated in v2.1.1. Now, the link navigates to Release Notes collection, with the most recent release notes contained within the "What's New In CultureTrax?" article at the top of the list.
Not possible to edit protocol templates after creating a New Culture Track (Bug Fixes, #375): After creating a new Protocol Template, it was not possible to save edits to the Protocol Template once it had been used to create a new Culture Track. This issue has been resolved in v2.1.1.
Not possible to use an External Protocol Template to create Culture Tracks (Bug Fixes, #376): It was not possible to use an External Protocol Template (i.e. shared by a user outside of your lab group) to create a Culture Track. This issue has been resolved in v2.1.1.