CultureTrax v2.1.3 Release Notes
(Live Launch on 15-OCT-2019 @ 5pm CDT)
New Features
<No New Features>
Design Improvements
<No Design Improvements>
Bug Fixes
#385: Invalid Vessel reference on first Passage after Thaw Action.
#386: Linking arrows in the Navigator do not work properly with Passage Actions that reset the Protocol Day to '0'.
Known Issues
<No Known Issues>
Invalid Vessel reference on first Passage after Thaw Action (Bug Fixes, #385): When conducing the first Passage Action on a Culture Track that started from cryopreserved cells, an invalid Vessel reference would appear on the Action details page for the Passage Action, in the list of Vessels included in the New Culture Track (Culture Track created via the Passage Action). This problem has been resolved in v2.1.3.
βLinking arrows in the Navigator do not work properly with Passage Actions that reset the Protocol Day to '0' (Bug Fixes, #386): Linking arrows in the Navigator would not highlight Culture Tracks appropriately if they were the result of a Passage Action that was designed to reset the Protocol Day to 0. This issue has been resolved in v2.1.3.