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CultureTrax Release 3.5/3.6
CultureTrax Release 3.5/3.6

Release notes for 3.5/3.6

Written by Kevin Conard
Updated over a week ago

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CultureTrax v3.5/3.6 Release Notes

(Live Launch on Tuesday November 21st @ 5pm CDT)

We are thrilled to announce the release of CultureTrax version 3.5/3.6. This update focuses on maintaining a revision history for all materials and documents in your lab libraries and then taking that revision history and making it visible in the form of a searchable audit trail. We’ve also added some features that were requested from you, our customers. Here’s what’s included in the release:

New Features

Recording Changes to Materials

Now, any changes made to a single ingredient or recipe material will trigger the creation of a revision history for that material. Who changed the material, when, what fields were changed, and place to record why the changes were made become a part of the permanent record of the material. Whenever a material is changed, new culture work will make use of the new material, while completed or in-process culture work will still reference the previous version in a read-only format.

When a material is opened for editing there are three choices in the upper right corner. You can cancel your editing, which will bring you to the previous page view. You can also save your revision as a draft, or when you’ve completed your revision, you can click the ‘Commit Revision’ button, which will trigger the popup message, "Are you ready to make this the current revision (rev#)? Previous revisions will still be accessible as a read-only reference. If you are not ready to commit this revision, you can save it as a draft."

When you commit the revision, the newly saved revision becomes the current revision, the new revision, effective date, and reason for change is added to the revision history in the side drawer and the previous revisions are all accessible from the revision history side drawer.

The revision history of the material can be accessed by clicking on the ‘Revision (see history)’ link,

which opens a side drawer modal where all of the previous versions can be viewed.

Recording Changes to Documents

Product sheets and SDS’s change and need to be updated from time to time. Now any document in your library can be revised. Edits to the Display Name, Description, Notes, Reason for Revision and Attributes about the document can be made and a new version of the document can be uploaded for use.

The version history of the document can be accessed, by clicking on the ‘Revision’ link

and a side modal drawer similar to the material record will open where all previous versions can be viewed.

Viewing Material Lots

We’ve added a toggle to the material lot view. By default, you will only see unexpired lots that are in inventory. Clicking the “Include Depleted and Expired Lots” lets you see all the lots that have been created for this material.

Searchable Audit Trail

We’ve redesigned the CultureTrax Navigator dashboard a bit to accommodate the new ‘To Do’ list so now the menu links are on the right side of the dashboard and at the bottom is a link, visible only to the PI/Director persona, to the audit trail history (more on that later). Clicking on the link opens a window at the bottom of the dashboard where the last ten entries to the audit trail are displayed. The view defaults to the person logged in, however, the audit trail of any lab member can be selected for viewing. The data can be further filtered via a keyword search and by specifying a date range. We’ve also recorded whenever anyone downloads a document or generates a protocol template report.

The changed items will present as links that will take you directly to the record that was changed.

Display Linkages Between Resources

We’ve made it easier to keep track of where all of your resources intersect. Now whenever you open a material, document, or PT, you’ll see a list in the lower left of all of the item(s) that are linked to the object and clicking on the link will take you to the object.

Daily To Do List

The daily to do list gives you a snapshot of your culture tracks. Vessels along with the actions required for the day and the linked materials are all displayed in one place so you can more easily plan your work out for the day. Expand the ‘To Do’ list in any culture track, click on the material and be taken to the material page where you can see what you have in inventory, if it’s expired, or if you need to make more.

Adding Plate Maps to the End of Day Report

This feature was also requested by one of our customers. Plate maps will now be available to be printed in the end of day report. The map(s) will print on its own page, and it will be scaled so that the text in each well is able to be read.

Bug Fixes

We’ve resolved the following issues:

1. The starting vessel after a thaw does not match the starting vessel display when an action is added to the new vessel on the day of the thaw. A customer found this. Thanks for the heads up!

2. The cell count e 10 field does not persist after the action is saved.

3. The split ratio used to top out at 1-50. It is now open ended.

4. When you navigate away from a completed thaw action, but don’t mark the day as complete, the ‘Mark this Culture Track Done for the Day’ disappears. A customer also found this. Thank you!

5. Re-ordering ingredients while adding or deleting ingredients during an edit causes the causes the added ingredient to disappear and the deleted ingredient to reappear.

6. When moving a set of vessel/wells to a new culture track (CT), the action details link to the new CT wasn’t responding.

7. The media lot in a quick feed was mis-formatted.

8. When passaging into a new CT with a new protocol template (PT), the platform is setting the protocol day to the next day from the parent CT rather than the new starting day in the new PT.

9. When in the daily actions page, click into the protocol timeline, then it changes the ‘Current Protocol Day’ and the actions for today don’t up without a page refresh. Also, the back and forward buttons at the bottom of the PT template display are greyed out.


The CultureTrax team

Start time: Tuesday, November 21st @5:00 PM CST

Estimated duration: 60 minutes

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