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What is the adress to my webpage
What is the adress to my webpage

New customers normally get asked if they want to set up a webpage with our system or use their own webpage. This is how to find your URL:s.

Max Martinsson avatar
Written by Max Martinsson
Updated over 5 years ago

Alternative 1: Customers with Cup Manager webpage (CMS)

When we set up your webpage it will automatically get a URL in the format of XXXX where XXXXX is the name, nickname or short for the tournament name. 

If you are not satiesfied with your URL, please contact our support. In most cases it could be changed.

If you want another URL you can assign your own domain name to our webpage system. For instance if you have the authority over you can direct that to Cup Managers servers. This requires you to have control over the DNS-settings for that domain name. If you do not have a domain name yet, you can always buy one and use the new one.

You will find your current URL: s to your website at the Publishing & Sendout-tab in the Cup Manager Program.


  • Add my custom domain name to Cup Managers website system

  • Guide: How to buy a new domain name and configure it with Cup Manager website system.

Alternative 2: Customers with their own webpage

Customers who decides they do want to produce or keep their own webpage can of course do so. The pages that are provided from Cup Manager, like the registration form, the login pages to team accounts, fixtures/game plan, result pages and such must then be linked manually from the tournament web page. 

Normally Cup Managers technicians will create a so called embedment (a sort of integration) where we simply copy the design, graphics and navigational menus from your web page and apply it also to our web pages mentioned above. That way it will not notice so much that you navigate between two different servers, instead it will all look nice and integrated.

To find the URL:s to use and put on your own webpage, please start the Cup Manager-program and go to Publishing & Sendout-tab and find them there.

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