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How do I cancel my Cushion subscription?
How do I cancel my Cushion subscription?
Emily Onimus avatar
Written by Emily Onimus
Updated over a week ago

Before canceling, we'd like to remind you that it may take up to 3 months to start seeing any changes in your credit score. We've found that most of our users see an impact within 3 months of signing up, and we wouldn't want you to miss out!

If you’d still like to cancel your Cushion subscription, you can log in to your dashboard. Tap on the three dots next to 'More', then under Settings, click on 'Profile'. After this, click on the arrow next to your Subscription package and the settings icon in the top right.

From here, you can select 'Cancel subscription' and follow the prompts to cancel your subscription.

Please note that if you upgrade to a paid tier, you will not be able to cancel your subscription until 48 hours after you enroll. This allows our system enough time to finish setting you up with the credit bureau and scanning for your bills.

Once the cancellation is confirmed, you will still have access to Cushion's features until the end of your current billing period. After the subscription lapses, most features, including the calendar sync feature will no longer be accessible.

Here at Cushion, we are always looking to improve our product so be sure to leave any feedback you may have.

If you need assistance, please reach out to

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