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Reporting an accident, theft or damage to your vehicle: what to do and how to make a claim
Reporting an accident, theft or damage to your vehicle: what to do and how to make a claim

What to do if you’ve had an accident or need to make a claim

Steve avatar
Written by Steve
Updated over a week ago

If you’ve been involved in an incident or something happens to your vehicle, you need to report it as soon as you can, even if it wasn’t your fault or you're not planning to claim.

Chat to us if you need to report an incident

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Cuvva app

  2. Tap the speech bubble in the top right-hand corner to start a chat

  3. Tap ‘I need to make a claim’

Reporting through the Cuvva app is best, but if you're reading this online you can also chat to us by clicking the speech bubble icon in the bottom right corner of this screen.

We’ll ask you:

  • what happened

  • for the date and time of the incident

  • for third parties details e.g. other drivers, witnesses, passengers etc.

  • for photos or videos (if you have them)

Once we’ve gathered all the details, we’ll then pass them on to your policy underwriter and claims handler.

You can also call your policy underwriter directly on:

  • 020 3828 7381 for Wakam (Crawford)

  • ​01908 735231 for ERS (Crawford)

Check your policy documents to find out who your policy underwriter is. You’ll find your policy documents in the app. They’re also attached to your policy email.

What counts as an incident

  • any accident involving your vehicle, another vehicle, a third party, or property

  • vehicle fire

  • vehicle theft or vandalism

  • glass damage

  • damage caused by extreme weather - for example, flooding

This also includes any injuries to you or any third parties involved.

If you’re unsure whether something counts as an incident or not, you should report it anyway.

What to do at the scene of an incident

If anyone is seriously injured, or there is significant or serious damage, call the police and the emergency services right away on 999.

If police attend the scene, make sure you get the name and number of the police officer and take note of the crime reference number.

Whatever happens, we do not recommend making any admission of fault at the scene.

It helps to gather evidence at the scene

It’s useful to make a note of the:

  • names and contact details of any third parties or witnesses

  • number plate of any other vehicle involved

  • time and date

Pictures and videos also really help when it comes to investigating your claim. If you can, it helps to capture:

  • evidence of damage to vehicles or property from multiple angles

  • the road layout, road markings, and nearby road signs

  • any hazards, tyre or skid marks, debris on the road

  • the weather conditions at the time

If the third party flees the scenes, check the area for CCTV cameras.

The fastest and easiest way to report an incident is in the Cuvva app.

If your vehicle breaks down while you’re out

If you added Cuvva's breakdown cover to your policy:

  1. Open the Cuvva app

  2. Go to the ‘Trips’ tab

  3. Find your policy and tap ‘Help’

  4. Follow the instructions in the app

You’ll also find information on what to do if you break down in your policy documents.

What happens when you make a claim: step-by-step guide

  1. Something happens to your car. An accident, damage or theft can be a nightmare, but we’re here to help. The first thing to do is let us know using the process outlined at the start of this article.

  2. Investigation begins. Claim adjusters (basically car detectives!) look closely at what happened. They want to understand everything about the incident - who, what, where, when, why, how. It’s like solving a puzzle.

  3. Paperwork. The claim adjusters make sure all the important details are recorded: what’s been damaged, who’s going to fix it, expected timings. Basically a nice big checklist that helps everyone stay organised and on track.

  4. Talking money or repair. You’ll receive a settlement (based on trade guides) if your car has been deemed a category A or B write-off, or if it will cost too much to repair. If repairable, everything will be sorted for you via an approved repair shop, or you can choose to receive cash to sort the repair yourself.

  5. Waiting for repairs. If you choose one of our approved repair shops, we’ll sort everything for you, from checking up with the repair shop to getting the car back to you when it’s all fixed up.

  6. Litigation. This doesn’t always happen, but if a claim is disputed by someone else and goes to court, the insurer may defend your claim, subject to the terms and conditions of your policy.

If you need any updates on your claim once you've reported it, you'll need to speak to the underwriter for your policy directly.

Claims - frequently asked questions

How long does the claims process usually take?

It all depends on how complex the claim is. Relatively straightforward claims (like those involving only one driver, or where someone has admitted fault) might be dealt with relatively quickly. More complicated claims (like those with multiple drivers, or where fault is disputed) could take much longer . It’s worth noting, our priority is always to get your car repaired as soon as possible - this can be done before the claim itself has been finalised.

What happens if my claim gets rejected?

If your claim is rejected, you’ll be told why. If you disagree, you can raise a complaint, which will then receive a final response. If you are still unhappy, you can contact the Financial Ombudsman, who will look into it too.

Will I need to have a medical exam?

A medical exam may be required if you are making a personal injury claim. Your policy underwriter will probably arrange for you to see an independent medical professional to assess your injuries and determine the extent of your claim.

Does making a claim affect my premium in the future?

Making a claim can affect your premium, especially if you were at-fault, or fault can’t be established. However, because Cuvva policies are standalone, if you have a no-claims discount on another policy, it won’t be impacted.

I didn’t get the details of the other person involved. Does that matter?

Unfortunately this can happen, and it does make the claims process a bit more tricky - but it shouldn’t prevent you from making a claim. Give as much detail as you can about the other person or vehicle, as it will greatly assist investigators in finding the person. It’s also a good idea to check the area for CCTV cameras or see if any witnesses took photos.

The other person involved wasn’t insured. Can I still make a claim?

Yes, you should still make a claim even if the other person wasn't insured. Investigators will then work with the Motor Insurers' Bureau (MIB), who will look into the incident and potentially compensate you.

Will the other party’s insurance company reach out to me?

Although the other party's insurer may contact you to discuss the claim and arrange for repairs or compensation, you must still notify Cuvva immediately after an incident. We’ll act on your behalf.

I need a courtesy car. How can I get one?

Cuvva doesn’t offer a courtesy car.

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