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What should I do first when login in to Cycle?
What should I do first when login in to Cycle?

First steps matter!

Thibaut Nyssens avatar
Written by Thibaut Nyssens
Updated over a week ago

Cycle is a hub that centralizes all product information (customer feedback, user interviews, product specs) in a neat, flexible, and collaborative space. Cycle is built on a NoCode paradigm to enable every product team to craft their own process within their product management platform (and not the other way around).

Here are a few things you’ll be able to do:

  • capture and centralize customer feedback in one place

  • connect relevant insights to your product roadmap

  • write your product spec (PRD) in the context of customer insights

  • close the loop with customers and maximize the impact of what you ship

Where to start

Everything starts from the 📥 Inbox, where you’ll be able to process customer feedback and build up on your product sense (problems to solve, which initiatives to work on).

So the first thing to do in Cycle is to get customer feedback in the Inbox!

We recommend 2 ways to do it:

  1. set up the relevant integrations to capture inbound customer feedback from a variety of sources (Slack, Intercom, HubSpot, mail, survey responses)

    👉 head over to your Settings page (hit Cmd+K and type “settings)

  2. take your user research/interview notes (outbound feedback) in Cycle

💡 A quick take on taking notes in Cycle

Cycle is a full-fledge real-time and collaborative editing tool. One of many ways to use it is to take your user interview notes directly in Cycle, so that you’ll have all your customer feedback centralized in one place: direct inbound messages, and deeper outbound research.

It will also allow you to process your interview notes into Insights, and keep the link between those and your various product initiatives.


🎓 Have a look at our extensive documentation!

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