Not all shipments will take 30 days. Not only do we offer up tens of thousands of products to our customers, but those products are sourced from our local inventory in Missouri as well as our partner warehouses across the US.
Depending on the types of products, the warehouses they’re shipping from, the manufacturers, the carriers used, etc….we ask for up to 30 days to ship your order.
For orders that don’t ship within 30 days, we refund them in full upon request.
We understand that many customers need an item right away and that's why we always tell them that unfortunately we're probably not a fit for them if the product(s) they need are time-sensitive. But if you want to save big and aren't in a rush, then DACK Outdoors is going to be your new best friend.
Many of our customers are shocked when they realize the premium they pay for faster shipping with a competitor when the overall cost is compared to ours.