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Why you need to drink water
Water helps with weight control?
Water helps with weight control?

Understand how

Arvind avatar
Written by Arvind
Updated over a week ago

As you may have guessed by now, water is important! That is why it gets its own question in the D9.  Water plays many roles in the body so its important to make sure you are well hydrated for optimal physical and mental health.  But that is not all, water has been shown to help with weight control too.

How?  We often mistake thirst for hunger and reach for a snack, or overeat because we do not recognise signs of satiety.  This is why we recommend drinking water before your meals - wait for about 10-15 minutes and see if you are still as hungry.  Adjust the quantities in your meal according to how hungry you still feel. 

So before you think of spending money on that latest fad supplement for fat loss, just try drinking one cup of water before you sit down for a meal 😃.

Plus an additional side effect:  Drinking water instead of other calorie-containing beverages like juice, soda etc will reduce the calories you consume! 

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