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How form versioning works

Learn about how template and form versioning works in Dashpivot

Sam avatar
Written by Sam
Updated over 11 months ago

Timeline Templates

Form versioning starts at version 1 when you first create a form and fill it out. Each time you open a form, make changes and save the changes, the form vill up-rev ie. 2, 3, 4, etc.

Workflow Templates

The form version counter for forms created with workflow templates is slightly different. It starts at 1.1, and each time a form has changes saved, it up-revs the 2nd digit ie. 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, etc.ย 

The first digit will uprev if you move a form back to the first column in a workflow (ie. erase the approval signatures and start the workflow process from scratch).

For example, if you open a form in the 3rd column of a workflow that is form version 1.5, if you click the 'make changes' button to erase the signatures, unlock the form and move the form back to the 1st column, it will up-rev to version 2.1. If it moves through the workflow again, and is reset another time, it will uprev to 3.1, and so on.

Downloaded PDFs

When you download a form in Dashpivot as a PDF, the form version information is displayed in the header of the PDF. This allows you to keep track of the versioning when the form is taken out of the system, since subsequent changes can still be made to the online version in Dashpivot, but will not be reflected on the PDF download.

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