In this video, we look at how to copy and paste information from word docs and spreadsheets into tables in Dashpivot forms.
General notes
Information pasted into tables will be converted to plain text, so any text formatting (eg. bold, underline) will be removed when pasted.
Dashpivot will only accept the correct type of data according to the cell type. For example, you can paste text into a text cell, but can't paste text into a number cell, time cell or date cell.
Pasting a paragraph into a table cell:
If you are pasting a multiple lines of text (not multiple rows in a table), all information will be pasted into the one cell. This means you can paste multiple paragraphs of information into a single text cell.
Pasting table contents into a table
New rows will be created automatically (note: new columns will not be created)
Information will be ignored if it is the incorrect data type. For example if you copy 3 columns in a spreadsheet which all contain text values, and try to paste this into a table in Dashpivot that has 3 columns but only 2 of them are text cells and one is a number cell, only the text columns will be populated, and the number column will remain blank.
By pasting information, you can overwrite content in other cells. For example pasting multiple rows, or multiple columns worth of information.