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Motion filters in FLOW Insights

Learn how to work with Speed, Acceleration, Time of Passage and Stationary Time filters.

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Written by DataFromSky
Updated over a week ago

In FLOW Insights, motion filters select trajectories based on conditions regarding their motion. You can drag any of them onto the canvas and connect them with other filters.


Do you need to know which vehicles have exceeded the speed limit or how many have been too slow? To do this, you can use a speed-based filter.

When you drop a Speed filter onto the canvas and double-click it to open a dialog window, you'll see its settings: Whether it should regard an object's average, minimum, maximum, or current speed, and which interval this speed should fall into.


Do you need to select vehicles that accelerate or brake too sharply? Apply an acceleration filter. 

Just like with Speed filters, Acceleration filter's settings let you set whether it should regard an object's average, minimum, maximum, or current acceleration, and which interval this acceleration should fall into.

Stationary duration

Stationary duration is the cumulative time for which a traffic object has had zero velocity. (The time doesn't reset when an object starts moving.) With this filter, you can e.g. select vehicles that have been stuck in a traffic jam or parking.

This filter lets you set only the interval of the stationary duration.

Time of occurrence

FLOW differentiates between the terms time and duration. Time is single or multiple points in time with their own timestamps, whereas duration is a single value expressing how long something lasted. In other words, time is a matter of "When?" and duration is a matter of "For how long?".

That said, working with time in FLOW provides many powerful options for you and therefore it and the Time of occurrence filter are discussed in detail in the Working with time in FLOW article.

Duration of occurrence

Want to know which vehicles spent more than 60 seconds on the intersection you're examining? You can use this filter to select only objects that spent a certain amount of time in the scene or a zone.

Duration of occurrence filters let you set only intervals into which the traffic objects' duration of occurrence needs to fall.

Tip: Combine this filter with a zone filter set to "Filter currently present trajectories" mode to filter objects based on their time of passage through the zone.

What next?

Check out spatial filters, property filters, and set operations in more detail. 

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