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WEBINAR #4 - Becoming a Traffic Safety Expert
WEBINAR #4 - Becoming a Traffic Safety Expert

See how to detect collisions, measure post-encroachment time and create a heatmap to identify dangerous spots of an intersection.

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Written by DataFromSky
Updated over a week ago

Death due to road accidents is the 8th most common cause of death among all age groups. (WHO, 2016) Improving the safety of our roads is the most important task for every municipality and country. We can count the number of accidents, but we don't usually have detailed information on the risky situations which - fortunately - didn't end up with a collision. We have prepared a webinar with a guest speaker Line Degn Landen from our partner COWI, where we will be speaking about how to detect dangerous situations on our roads using automated video analytics. Furthermore, we will look into areas of road safety analysis such as aggressive driver behavior, offensive lane change, collision-prone location identification, short following distances, or speeding. We will also explain the linear and the Ackerman steering model movement prediction and how they are utilized in traffic safety and we will also look at what to detect and measure when analyzing road safety, looking at trajectories, time to collision, and post encroachment time in TrafficSurvey Viewer, our tool for traffic studies.

In this webinar, we will share with you:

1. Interesting facts about road safety in the EU and the types of dangers that can be detected.

2. Models (post-encroachment time - PET, time to collision - TTC) that are used for the safety analysis and see a demonstration of safety analysis in TrafficSurvey Viewer.

3. Two case studies looking at school surroundings safety, and a large roundabout and how COWI used the DFS data for their safety studies.

For the Webinar timeline please go to the video description on VIMEO.

Questions and Answers

35:30 Q1: What else can DFS measure?

A: Acceleration and deceleration of each road user, actual speed, headways in seconds or meters, but apart from these safety values, DFS can provide standard classified counts, turning movements and OD-matrix, various reports, and statistics.

36:30 Q2: What is the ideal video for safety analysis?

A: In general, an aerial video taken from a 90°degree perspective is the ideal position that gives the highest accuracy of the detected safety values.

36:53 Q3: Can you analyze only car-car or also car-person safety indicators?

A: Yes, our tool can analyze all interactions, within the same group, it means car-to-car, but also among the different users, such as car-to-pedestrian or car-to-bike.


In this webinar, you were not only able to look behind the scenes of the safety analysis in TrafficViewer but also get an overall understanding of what to look for and analyze when wanting to improve road safety. You have also grasped the basics of how the movement prediction models work and how they allow us to measure various values that can detect dangerous situations. We have then transferred this knowledge into action and looking at a case study done by our partner Line Degn Landen from COWI which showed us how to improve safety around schools and on large roundabouts.


• Try the DataFromSky platform here for free!

• Do you have more questions? Contact us!

• Learn more about TrafficSurvey by DataFromSky.

• Upload and analyze your traffic video here.

• Check out the website of our partner - COWI.

• Follow us on Linkedin.

• Learn more about safety analysis.

• Visit our web for more information on DFS products and news.

Thank you for your interest! See you in the next webinar. Have a great day!

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