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How to import annotations from one tlgx to another

Learn how you can get annotations from one tlgx file into another from the same scene to do your traffic analyses with ease.

DataFromSky avatar
Written by DataFromSky
Updated over a week ago

Annotation import allows you to save time by not having to recreate gates, traffic regions, and other annotation elements. It is also useful to import annotations between scenes of a similar layout where you only need to move the elements around and possibly add/delete a few. Let's dive into it!

Note: If you have a large number of smaller tlgx files and you would like to work with the data in one place please refer to this article on merging.

We open the tlgx into which we want to import the annotations and go to top menu and find Tracking Log dropdown menu and there we click on Manage Annotation Configurations... (as shown below)

Next step is to click on Import in the pop up window and select the tlgx file from which you want to import the annotations. All the annotations from that tlgx file will then be imported. To confirm you need to click on Apply which will also close the window.


That is it! You have now successfully imported annotation configuration from one traffic analysis to another. Keep in mind that it is the most useful to import between tglx files from the same scene recorded with a static camera. Let us know how you like this feature and you can leave any feedback at If you need assistance please contact us using the support chat on the bottom right.


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