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Visualization of widgets' values in charts
Visualization of widgets' values in charts

Some widgets allow you to view a history of their values, or combine the current values of several widgets into a superwidget–a pie chart.

DataFromSky avatar
Written by DataFromSky
Updated over a week ago

In FLOW Insights, you can view the output of any operator through widgets, which are all visualized on the Dashboard. Normally, based on your chosen time mode, you can only view the present value or one of the past values this widget has ever had. Some widget types, however, allow you to view a history of their values in customizable charts. These types include the value, statistical value, and distribution. It's also possible to combine several value widgets into a pie chart. Let's take a closer look at these options.

Time series visualization

When you open one of these widgets' settings and scroll down, you'll see a switch that enables the Time series visualization. Once you enable it, you can customize the time interval from which the visualized values should be taken. Sliding window moves at a certain offset relative to the present moment, while From → to is a time interval absolutely fixed in time.

You can also set up colors and their corresponding intervals. If the widget's value falls into one of the intervals, the displayed number will be colored accordingly.

As you can see, there is already a chart under the numbers as a result of the Time series visualization being enabled. However, because the widgets have been collecting data for a very short time, the graphs display only two points for now. It's possible to resize the widgets so that they can fit more points, like in the following example.

The statistical value visualization looks a bit different.

The upper grey line shows how the value's maximum changed in time, while the lower grey line shows the minimum. The blue line shows either the average, or the median value depending on which you select in the bottom portion of the widget.

The statistical value wiget might have no data available for a certain sampled moment. Due to this, there may be horizontal gaps in the graph.

Finally, let's take a look at the distribution visualization.

Each color-coded layer represents one category. Hovering over any point displays a key with precise counts for each category.


Superwidgets combine several value widgets together and display them as pie charts. To create a superwidget, go to the Dashboard and drag a value widget on top of another value widget. You'll be asked whether you want to move the original widget inside the superwidget, or whether a copy should be created there.

The widget that is being dragged on will always be absorbed by the superwidget. If you'd like to keep the original widget on the Dashboard, make a copy of it first. This option is visible when you select the "..." in the upper right corner of the value widget.

You can drag as many more value widgets on top of the superwidget as you want to add more elements into the chart. You can select the "..." in the upper right corner and select Source widgets to see all the widgets that the superwidget comprises.

Select Close superwidget area in the bottom right corner to get back to the Dashboard. When you open the superwidget's settings, you can set colors for each part of the pie chart (each source).

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