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Map analytics view feature summary - Using Google Maps API key with FLOW
Map analytics view feature summary - Using Google Maps API key with FLOW

Learn how to access Map view, how to add device location and how to add the Map key either to BLOCK or FLOW Insights level

DataFromSky avatar
Written by DataFromSky
Updated over a year ago

FLOW version: >= 1.17

Supported FLOW devices: Enterprise, Aerial (TrafficDrone), XRoads, Embedded

Outputs: map visualization of registered analytics

User-skills: basic


In this short article, we will walk you through how the camera analytics view works and how you can set up Map view for your FLOW devices to be able to easily manage them utilizing the knowledge of their specific locations in the world. Note that FLOW currently uses Google Maps to achieve this. Other map servers are planned to be included in the future.

Feature Overview

From FLOW version 1.17 there are 3 types of views above the video analytics level. The Tile view, the Map view, and the List view. The Map view visualizes the Analytics into a map showing them on their respective location. For this to work two conditions need to be fulfilled. First, the Analytic/s needs to have the Camera Location field filled in. Second, you need to have a MAP data API key set up and saved either in your FLOW insights desktop application or in the device you are connecting to see the analytics in the Map view.

Map view is the second option in the top left when you are in the Source list which is the default option when you log into your FLOW device. Once you select the Map view you can see different analytics grouped in an overview box based on the zoom level. The box contains the numbers of analytics in each of the states: BLUE - online, ORANGE - idle, and GREY - offline. If you zoom in enough you will see individual analytics. When you click once on the circle of the given analytics you will see its preview of the analysed camera stream of the analytics. If you double-click on it you will go to the dashboard of the given analytics.

On the right side of the Map view, you see a list of the Analytics with the following information from left to right: their current state, the button that centers you on the analytics, and the graph button that brings you again to the dashboard of the given analytics. Now that we have explained the Interface we will now guide you on how and where to set things up so that you may use the Analytics Map view.

Setting up Camera Location

You need to input WGS 84 coordinates that for example can be found on Google Maps by right clicking on the location on the map. See the image below for how you can get the coordinates.

Once you have acquired the coordinates you can go over to the Analytics/ Analytics Settings / Camera location and enter them there as shown in the image below.

Setting up the MAP Key using Google Maps

There are two ways you can set up the MAP data API key which is necessary to load the map for the use of the Map view. You need only one of them and by default, the BLOCK level (processing device) MAP data API key is used if you don't select the other option in the settings of FLOW insights. There are considerations to be made when choosing between using the API key on the BLOCK level or the FLOW insights level.

Use BLOCK level (device level) if you want to have the map view available no matter which flow insights connect to the particular device. This is more suitable for more centralized solutions where many clients are connecting to a single large server but with many connected camera streams.

Use the FLOW insights level if you want to have the map data available no matter to which device you connect. In this case, the map functionality becomes the property of FLOW insights. This option is more suitable for distributed solutions where you for example have many TrafficXRoads units or TrafficCameras.

To enter the Map data API key on the BLOCK level go to BLOCK / Settings / Map data - API key. Then in the field API key, you need to enter the appropriate API key. Learn more about how to acquire the API key here. Please note that the acquisition and use of the Google Maps API key is a paid service although there is some free credit offered to help you get started. Also please make sure to read the associated terms and conditions for this service.

See the image below with an example MAP data API key set up on the device on the BLOCK level.

The second option for setting up the Map view in the settings in FLOW insights can be accessed by clicking on Settings with a cog wheel icon next to it. If you set this up correctly you will be able to see all the devices with specified Camera locations. See the image below for how to set up the MAP data API key in the FLOW Insights desktop application. For this option to work you need to turn on the slider “Prefer the key stored in Insights over the key in the device” option and again enter the MAP key into the API key field.


In this guide, you have learned how to access Map view, how to add device location and how to add the Map key either to BLOCK or FLOW Insights level. We have also explained the benefits of using each of these approaches and when you should use which one. Let us know if you have any suggestions for improvements or future articles.


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