Once you have removed an active tag, you can install it on another animal straight away. If you are re-using an active ear tag, you will require a new male button (available from all leading farm supply stores).
To re-use an active tag on an animal straight away:
Swipe the magnet over the magnet icon on the active tag. This will re-trigger the pairing process.
Note: Do not hold the magnet over the magnet icon or this will put the active tag to sleep.Continue the standard assigning process using the mobile app.
Note: When you re-use an active tag on a new animal, the software will automatically unassign it from the old animal.
Tip: If an animal has left your farm, don't forget to use the Datamars Livestock web app to mark the animal as 'sold' or 'died' in order to keep the database up-to-date.
Next steps:
Having trouble?
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