The database of information about your animals will be more powerful if you add event information for individual animals. If you have farm management software integrations set up, events such as pregnancy results may be synchronised with Datamars Livestock automatically. For more information on integrations, contact Datamars technical support
Events which can be added:
Do not breed
Drying off
Pregnancy check
Health issue
Each event type has different data fields to complete.
Adding an event using the mobile app
To add an event using the mobile app:
Open an animal record.
Tap +
Select an event type (e.g. Insemination).
Enter the event details. Each event type has different data fields to complete.
Adding an event using the web app
To add an event in the Events screen using the web app:
Click on My Herd, then Events.
Click on Add Event in the top right-hand corner.
Select an animal from the drop-down list then select an event type e.g. Insemination.
Complete the fields then click Save.
To add an event in the Animals screen using the web app:
Click on My Herd, then Animals.
Select an animal record, then click on Add Event in the top right-hand corner.
Select an event type from the drop-down list e.g. Abortion.
Complete the fields then click Save.
Having trouble?
Phone the Datamars Smart Farming support team:
AU 1800 248 774
NZ 0800 248 722
US +1 (888) 431-0957 (toll free).
UK +44 20 4571 7717
IE and EU +353 (21) 242 8844Email
Ask us a question in the blue messaging tool on the bottom right hand side of your screen.