You can quickly and easily integrate ICBF with Datamars Livestock.
Once ICBF is integrated, ICBF will send Datamars Livestock:
Animal details
Animal movement, lactation and reproduction information.
Data is synchronised every 24 hours, at midnight.
Setting up the integration on Datamars Livestock
Log in to the Datamars Livestock website and select Farm Settings and Integrations
Click Connect beside ICBF, then click Connect to confirm you want to synchronise with ICBF:
3. Enter your ICBF login details:
4. Click Yes to confirm permission to access data in ICBF:
This will successfully integrate Datamars Livestock with ICBF and data will begin to flow into Datamars Livestock.
Note: Datamars Livestock will attempt to match the LID with the Animal ID (full national ID) in ICBF. If no match is found, it will then attempt to match the VID with the Freeze Brand ID in ICBF. If it still can't find a match, a new animal record will be created.
Having trouble?
Phone the Datamars Smart Farming support team:
AU 1800 248 774
NZ 0800 248 722
US +1 (888) 431-0957 (toll free).
UK +44 20 4571 7717
IE and EU +353 (21) 242 8844Email
Ask us a question in the blue messaging tool on the bottom right hand side of your screen.