14 articles
Setting up the XRS2i/XRS2 and SRS2i/SRS2 EID stick reader
Assigning a new EID tag to an animal on the XRS2i/XRS2 EID stick reader
Updating the XRS2i/XRS2 or SRS2i/SRS2's software using Data Link PC software
Best practices for using the XRS2i/XRS2 EID stick reader to scan animals
Connecting an XRS2i/XRS2 or SRS2i/SRS2 EID stick reader to a Tru-Test weigh scale indicator
Using Favourites on the XRS2i/XRS2 EID stick reader
Setting up your own Favourite on an XRS2i/XRS2 EID stick reader
Setting up a Favourite and loading it onto multiple XRS2i/XRS2 EID stick readers
Setting up alerts on the XRS2i/XRS2 EID stick reader
Creating custom animal data fields on the XRS2i/XRS2 EID stick reader
Scanning EIDs onto your Windows computer, Apple and Android devices
Deleting an animal from a session on the XRS2i/XRS2 or SRS2i/SRS2 EID stick reader
Connecting an XRS2i/XRS2 EID stick reader with a Bluetooth® barcode scanner
Connecting an XRS2i/XRS2 EID stick reader with a Bluetooth® barcode label printer