Cancelling your DAT

Learn how to cancel your DAT

Dave avatar
Written by Dave
Updated over a week ago

1. "If I choose not to take the DAT, can I get my registration fee refunded?"

Answer: No. Registration fees are neither refundable nor transferable. You are required to complete a new registration and submit a fee for each exam.

2. "How can I cancel my entire DAT registration?"

Answer: DAT fees are non-refundable nor transferable. To cancel your entire DAT after the registration deadline, simply do not show up for your DAT exam.

  • There is no need to send an email to the DAT Office

  • Your record will be cancelled after the DAT Exam date

  • No information is sent to dental schools regarding your cancellation or your no show

3. "How can I cancel only my MDT portion?"

Answer: DAT fees are not refundable nor transferable. To cancel your MDT portion of the DAT exam, simply do not show up for your MDT portion of the DAT.

  • There is no need to send an email to the DAT Office

  • Your record will be cancelled after the DAT Exam date

  • No information is sent to dental schools regarding your cancellation or your no-show

4. "If I cancel my MDT or my entire DAT registration will you send any information to dental schools about my cancellation?"

Answer: No information or scores are sent or provided to dental schools regarding your MDT cancellation or your entire DAT registration cancellation.

5. "What are the DAT no show consequences?"

Answer: DAT Fees are not refundable nor transferable.  By not showing up for (not attending) your scheduled DAT, your record will be cancelled after the DAT exam date and no information or scores are given or sent to dental schools.  No emails are required to be sent to DAT office if you choose to not attend the exam.  Please do not email the DAT Office the day of or before the test and expect a response.

6. "If there are circumstances beyond my control that prevent me from taking the DAT, can I get a refund of my registration fee or transfer to another exam date?" 

Answer: No. Registration fees are neither refundable nor transferable.

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