Step 1: Go to the Template Library
Once you are logged into DatumXpress with the correct QuickBooks Online account, head into the "Template Library" - either by clicking the tab on the left or the purple button "Template Library" in the main dashboard.
Step 2: Download and Fill out Relevant Templates
Type 1 templates are one-time account configuration templates. These are used to set-up new client accounts on QuickBooks Online or to update core account information (e.g. adding a new vendor or customer). This data must be uploaded and synced through the dashboard first.
Type 2 templates: These are ongoing operating templates. All type 1 data has to be synced into QuickBooks before Type 2 data can be pushed through.
Type 3 templates: These templates allow you to automate your accrual schedules for amortization, depreciation and prepaid assets.
Within the templates, required data* is indicated by purple columns.
Step 3: Upload Files in the Main Dashboard
Drop your files into the Main dashboard and click "Connect to QuickBooks."
Step 4: Data Gets Validated and Pushed into QuickBooks
Files go through double validation prior to syncing into QuickBooks Online, once on our end and once on QuickBooks' end. If files are successfully validated, the data will sync into QuickBooks Online. If the system detects an error, it will export a detailed error report. Simply resolve the errors and re-submit.