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Cayan (Legacy Service)

Cayan frequently asked questions and how to's

Shaney Thrasher avatar
Written by Shaney Thrasher
Updated this week

Cayan is a legacy service and is not available for new customers.

For our customers who still currently use Cayan, we are providing this page to answer any current questions.

Cayan FAQs and How To's

Click the arrow next to each topic to learn more

How do I accept payments with my TSYS/Cayan account?

Once finished setting up your TSYS/Cayan account, you can then link it with your DaySmart Appointments account. This is done by adding your Site ID, Key, and Store Name to the Customer Payments section of your DaySmart Appointments account.

GO TO: Settings tab > Customer Payments

In the Customer Payments section, you will find an option for each area of the DaySmart Appointments system you can accept and/or process payments.

These areas include Gift Certificates, Appointments, Point of Sale (POS), and Packages. You will need to enter the necessary TSYS/Cayan credentials in each section of the system you intend to use for credit card processing.

If you recently started an account with Cayan, you should have received an email from them with the required credentials.

Repeat this process for any other types of payments you will accept. For example, if you will also accept payments for Gift Certificates, add your Cayan credentials in the Gift Certificates section of Customer Payments.

Credit Card Processing Error

Error: There was a problem processing your request. Please check information entered and try again.

Payment Processor: Cayan

The error occurs in the POS when processing a transaction with an existing credit card on file. The error happens because the credit card token on file is no longer valid because Cayan credentials for the account have been updated or changed in the Customer Payment section in the Settings tab.

Credit card tokens on file cannot be transferred or used with different credentials. The last 4 digits of the credit card does show, but the token on file cannot access the credentials.

When processing a credit card, you will need to click on the

"Process with New Credit Card" button and re-tokenize the customer credit cards.

Updating Response, Receipt, or Return URLs

You may need to update your gateway account to include the proper return URL. This URL is used by the gateway in order to return the Customer back to the DaySmart Appointments system is properly processed.

To configure the Return URL for the DaySmart Appointments system, you will put together the base URL for your Customer View (example and then append one of the following return paths:

  • ap_api/authorizenet_return.php

  • PayPal: ap/ap_api/paypal_return.php

Log in to your gateway account, locate the Response/Receipt URL page, and enter URLs into the available fields. You can have multiple response URLs associated with your gateway account. The below links are example URLs. Based on where your account is located in the system, you may see a variation of these URLs.

For example, you may be logged in to

  • The Default Return URL should be based on the URL where you log in to your scheduling account. Below is an example of how you will enter this address. Your URL may start with account5 or account. That is the part of the URL you will want to customize for your account.

    You will need to append the following destination page:

    • ap_api/authorizenet_return.php

    • PayPal: ap/ap_api/paypal_return.php

  • The Default Relay Response URL should be based on the URL where you log in to your scheduling account.

    You will need to append one of the following destination pages:

    • ap_api/authorizenet_return.php

    • PayPal: ap/ap_api/paypal_return.php

  • The Additional return URL (third entry) should be based on the URL where you log in to your scheduling account. Check the address after you log in and use the first part (account, account5, etc) up to the .com section of the site's address:

Appointment Payment Options

The system provides additional flexibility when prompting Customers for payment on the Customer View. These options are found in the Customer Payments section of Settings.

  1. Customers can be given the option to pay when they are making the Appointment or at the time the service is rendered.

  2. If you are using the "prompt but don't process" method, Customer with an existing credit card token on file, it won't prompt them to enter their credit card information. You can set it so that it always prompts for credit card information, even if the Customer already has one on file.

  3. If you are using Events, you can have the system prompt only for Services, prompt only for Events, or prompt for both types of activities.


If a Customer needs a credit card refund, you must utilize your gateway account terminal.

Credit Card Processors

Processor: Cayan

Currency Options USA

Credit Card Capture: Yes

Required Credentials

Processor: Cayan

Login: Site ID

Password: Key

Tran Key: Store Name

NOTE: The Tran Key is the term for a Transaction Key for clients. The Tran Key is a unique sequence of numbers and letters that gives to their clients. This key is sent to with any transaction you process to link to your account.

Credit Card Capture (Prompt but Don't Process)

To use the capture credit card for later use feature, you must utilize the "Prompt but Don't Process" setting on the Customer Payments preferences page. This is only available if you have TSYS/Cayan gateway credentials set up in the POS section of the Customer Payments preferences page.

For example, if you want to prompt and capture a customer's credit card number when a customer self schedules, you will need to do the following:

  • In the Appointments section of the Customer Payments page, select Prompt but Don't Process.

  • In the POS section of the Customer Payments page, select Cayan and enter your Cayan credentials. Please contact our support team if you do not have credentials.

When a Customer enters a credit card number during the scheduling process, the credit card number will be converted to a secure payment token that you can later use to process payments through the POS system. You must enable POS to use these options.

How to do I integrate credit card processing for Cayan?

To integrate credit card processing into the POS system, you need an account with an online credit card processor.

For Cayan/TSYS (USA ONLY) - allows you to use credit card capture for later use.

You can enter the credentials into the Customer Payments section of Preferences:

  1. Click Settings.

  2. Click Customer Payments.

  3. Locate the POS section and enter the information from your merchant account.

  4. Click Update.

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