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Trading with PancakeSwap
Trading with PancakeSwap

How to swap DEBT Box tokens to other cryptocurrencies

Written by Justin Allen
Updated over a week ago

DEBT Box tokens can be traded to and from USD through a combination of PancakeSwap and other apps. PancakeSwap is a leading decentralized exchange for BNB Smart Chain.

Steps to purchase Tokens with USD using Trust Wallet:

  1. Download the Trust Wallet app and create an account

  2. Purchase BNB Smart Chain directly through a third part on Trust wallet or transfer your BNB from another wallet

  3. Open PancakeSwap:

  4. Click Connect Wallet in the top right hand corner of the page

    1. If connecting to PancakeSwap from a browser on your phone:

      1. Select TrustWallet and then confirm the connection

    2. If connecting to PancakeSwap on a Desktop browser:

      1. Select the 'WalletConnect' option and a QR code will appear

      2. Open your Trust Wallet app and go to Settings and select 'WalletConnect'

      3. Select 'New Connection' and scan the QR code on the PC screen

  5. With your wallet connected, go to the swap/trade page on PancakeSwap

    1. You will see your BNB amount on the top

  6. To swap for a DEBT Box token, select the drop down next to the bottom to change token

  7. Click 'Manage Tokens' and then select the 'Tokens' tab on the right

  8. Paste in the corresponding token contract address and click import

    1. The contract address can be found and copied from step 5 of the instructions for connecting your Trust Wallet

  9. Verify the name, for example: BlackGold (BGLD), click I understand and then Import

  10. You will then be able to adjust the quantity of BNB to determine how much you would like to swap to your desired token

    1. Note: you will need to keep some BNB in your account to cover transaction fees so you will not be able to swap the maximum balance in your wallet

    2. As you adjust the amount to swap you will see the transaction fees adjust as well at the bottom of the window

  11. Once everything looks good click 'Swap' and then 'Confirm Swap'

  12. The final step is to confirm the swap in your Trust Wallet

Steps to transfer from Tokens to USD:

  1. If you own a license you will first need to go to your rewards page and click 'Withdraw' in your mining balance

  2. The pop-up will allow you to enter in the amount (number of tokens) that you would like to withdraw and it will show the USD equivalent below

  3. You will then need to enter your password and hit withdraw to transfer the amount to your Debt wallet

  4. If you would like to transfer to another wallet you can go to the 'Wallets' page and select the option to 'Send' and this will allow you to send specified amounts to another wallet

  5. If you would like to transfer to USD or other cryptocurrencies you can transfer it from your Debt wallet to your Trust account

    1. Note: There is a 10% ecosystem transfer tax for all tokens except the DEBT token

  6. Open PancakeSwap:

  7. Click Connect Wallet in the top right hand corner of the page

    1. If connecting to PancakeSwap on your phone:

      1. Select TrustWallet and then confirm the connection

    2. If connecting to PancakeSwap on a PC browser:

      1. Select the 'WalletConnect' option and a QR code will appear

      2. Open your Trust Wallet app and go to Settings and select 'WalletConnect'

      3. Select 'New Connection' and scan the QR code on the PC screen

  8. With your wallet connected, go to the swap/trade page on PancakeSwap

  9. Change the top to be the token you'd like to swap

  10. Change the lower dropdown to BNB

  11. You will then be able to adjust the quantity to determine how much you would like to swap to BNB

  12. Once everything looks good click 'Swap' and then 'Confirm Swap'

  13. Then confirm the swap in your Trust Wallet

  14. Now that you have your tokens in BNB, you can transfer to USD on any exchange that supports BNB

    1. For example:,, KuCoin, and FTX

  15. You will be able to send your BNB to one of those exchanges from your Trust wallet and then convert to USD

    *Note: as more DEBT Box tokens are released, they will all have a pairing with the DEBT token which will allow users to swap their other tokens to DEBT on Pancakeswap as well.

Disclaimer: Please note, we are happy to assist with any support issues within the DEBT Box dashboard or DEBT Box wallets, however, with so many third-party apps, wallets and exchanges in existence we are unable to provide support for any and all third-party applications. Please contact those platforms directly for any support related issues.

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