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Withdraw Using D.E.B.T. Swap and Binance
Withdraw Using D.E.B.T. Swap and Binance
Written by Sam Brown
Updated over a week ago

Withdrawing your rewards to your bank account is a several step process and can be done many ways. Below are the steps for one method, please find the method that works for you.

It is HIGHLY recommended to send TEST transactions with a small amount of token to ensure wallet addresses have been entered correctly.

All transactions through Binance are subject to their terms and conditions. Binance is not available in all geographic locations.

You will need the following:

- The D.E.B.T. Mobile App (available on Apple and Android)

- A Binance Account - the process detailed is specific to the Binance mobile app


There is a 10% transfer tax each time BGLD, NATG, GROW, XPLR, ALUM, BEV and BLOX are transferred or used.


1) Withdraw your rewards from your piggy bank. In your D.E.B.T. account, Click on rewards, the project you wish to swap and then withdraw. Enter your password and then click withdraw. Do this for all projects you wish to swap.

2) In the D.E.B.T. mobile app Swap your project tokens to DEBT Token. Click wallets, Swap, select your project token in the top drop down, DEBT in the bottom drop down. Complete the process.

3) In the D.E.B.T. Mobile app Swap DEBT for BNB. Click wallets, Swap, select DEBT in the top drop down, BNB in the bottom drop down. Complete the process.

4) Send BNB to Binance. Open the Binance app. Click on the wallet icon (bottom middle). Click Deposit. Enter BNB (Yellow icon). Click Understood (you are sending BSC). *Very Important* Select BSC at the top in the middle to display the correct QR code and wallet address. Copy the displayed address. Open the DEBT Box app. Click wallets. Send. Select BNB from the drop down. Enter the amount of BNB to be transferred. Paste the copied wallet address in the recipient address. Click Send. Confirm your transfer.

5) Sell your BNB. Open the Binance app. Click wallets. You should see your BNB balance. Click on BNB. Click on the two arrows in the top right corner. Click Sell BNB. Enter the amount. Click Preview Sell. Complete the transaction. This will convert your BNB to the currency of your choice.

6) Withdraw your balance to your bank account. In the Binance app click wallet. Click Withdraw. Select the currency you chose. Enter the amount, add a payment method (your bank account). Select the bank account. Click Preview Withdrawal. Complete the transaction. *There may be fees charged by Binance and there may be a withdraw limit. This is not controlled by D.E.B.T.

Your funds will be deposited to your bank account, usually in 2-3 business days.

Please reach out if our support team can help you with any technical issues.

Thank you for being a part of D.E.B.T. Ecosystem. 👍

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