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Add Smart Chain BNB to your wallet for fees
Add Smart Chain BNB to your wallet for fees
Written by Sam Brown
Updated over a week ago

The DEBT Ecosystem is on the BEP-20 Binance network. All token transactions require a "gas" fee. This "gas" fee is paid directly to the Binance network and must be paid in Binance Smart Chain token (BSC-BNB) which means you must have BSC-BNB in your DEBT wallet to perform any token transactions, including: transfers, swaps or purchases.

You will need:

- The Binance mobile App

- A payment method to add to Binance

- Your D.E.B.T. Wallet address

Purchase Smart Chain BNB

Step 1: Login to the Binance app.

Step 2: Click the yellow circle with two arrows at the bottom of the screen and select "Buy Crypto."

Step 3: In the search bar type BNB. You will see BNB with a yellow icon. Select this.

Step 4: Enter the amount you would like to purchase. You only need a small amount per transaction and will only need to purchase once as you can swap from D.E.B.T. project tokens to BNB once you have some in your D.E.B.T. wallet.

Step 5: Add a payment method. Follow the steps to connect your bank account.

Step 6: Click preview purchase. Accept the terms and click confirm purchase.

Step 7: Once you have confirmed the purchase, click wallet at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. When your purchase is complete you will see a balance in BNB. If the purchase does not appear right away, please check for a confirmation email that will be sent to the email you used to create your account.

Send the BNB to your D.E.B.T. Wallet

Step 1: Copy your DEBT wallet address.

- Using the mobile APP: Open the D.E.B.T. mobile app, click on Wallets in the bottom left corner, click "Receive," click COPY - you do not need the QR Code.

- Using a mobile web browser: login using or Click on the three lines next to the logo in the top left corner, select Wallets. Click the copy icon to copy the wallet address.

- Using a web browser on a computer or laptop: login using or Click on Wallets. Click the copy icon to copy the wallet address. Note: paste the wallet address into an email or text that you will receive on your phone for easy copy and paste access to the Binance app.

Step 2: Go back to the Binance app. In the wallet screen click withdraw.

Step 3: Select BNB. A note will pop up to make sure you select the right network. Say ok.

Step 4: At the top of the next screen you will see 2 options. You must select BSC. Click where it says BEP20 (BSC) Address and click paste. This is very important!! Make sure the address matches your D.E.B.T. wallet address, check the firts 5 and last 5 digits of the address to make sure it is correct. Click next.

Step 5: Enter the amount you want to send. We highly recommend sending a small test amount .01 to make sure it appears correctly. Once you confirm it is correct you can send a larger amount.

Step 6: Click preview withdraw. Confirm withdraw. Enter the code sent to you by Binance and then check your email to click the verification link.

Step 7: Once the transaction has been confirmed, Go to your D.E.B.T. wallet to ensure your tokens are in your wallet. If everything has worked correctly and you will see your tokens.

You can repeat the steps to above send a larger amount if needed.

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